
山崖发表网工作总结2024-03-12 14:12:0814

托福独立写作总结句 第1篇



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than it was in the past. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.





Imagine you have two friends who deal with problems in very different ways. One of your friends believes that laughter and taking things lightly (not too seriously) is the best way to find a solution for most problems. Your other friend believes that it is better to be serious and not take things lightly, even when dealing with very small problems. Which approach do you prefer? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Be sure to use your own words. Do not use memorized examples.


I insist that an optimistic attitude can make a person more creative. On the contrary, if we can't always smile when we encounter a problem, then it is likely that even if we can think of a solution, it is only after a very painful struggle. In this case, even if the problem is eventually solved, it will have a huge negative impact on our physical and mental health. I would like to use a classic American drama as an example to prove this point. One of my favorite American shows is Silicon Valley, which tells the story of a group of young entrepreneurs who started a business in an incubator in Silicon Valley. Although these young people are very talented and exceptionally good at product development, they encountered a variety of problems in the process of starting their business due to fierce competition, lack of investors, and endless lawsuits. But no matter what difficulties they encountered, these young people were able to face them with an optimistic attitude, and in the end they solved every problem with ease. Without this optimistic attitude, they could not have successfully started their own company and developed a new generation of Internet to bring great convenience to people's lives.



Imagine you have two friends who deal with problems in very different ways. One of your friends believes that laughter and taking things lightly (not too seriously) is the best way to find a solution for most problems. Your other friend believes that it is better to be serious and not take things lightly, even when dealing with very small problems. Which approach do you prefer? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Be sure to use your own words. Do not use memorized examples.

这个题真的和《Life is beautiful》这个电影十分契合。面对巨大的苦难,这部电影的男主剧却能够让自己的孩子相信纳碎集中营是一场游戏。这种乐观的态度真的不是一般人能有的。虽然他最终死在了黎明之前,他的乐观让他的孩子成功的活了下来,并且没有蒙上巨大的童年阴影。

First of all, no one can deny that laughter and optimism are contagious, so if we can laugh when we encounter problems, we can naturally bring a lot of joy and inspiration to those around us. I would like to use a very classic movie about World War II to explain this point. Two years ago I watched a movie called Life is Beautiful, which won three awards at the 71st Academy Awards, including the Best Actor Award. The hero of the film was an Italian Jew. Although he had many difficulties in his life, he always kept a smile on his face and looked at all his problems with optimism. Fortunately, he succeeded in solving one problem after another and found a beautiful wife, who gave birth to their son. But since the hero was a Jew, he was taken to a concentration camp by the Nazis. Even in the inhumane concentration camp, the hero tried to take care of his child by all means and lied to his son that the concentration camp was just a game and that those who follow the rules of the game would eventually win a tank. His son naively believed everything his father said. In the end, due to the hero's optimistic attitude, his son managed to get out of the camp, while he was brutally murdered before the Germans surrendered. Imagine if the hero had not been able to look at everything he experienced with a smile and an optimistic attitude, his son and many others around him would have died in the camp and not lasted until the Nazis failed. (270 Words)



Foods and drinks that contain high levels of sugar, salt, or fats have harmful health effects when consumed in great quantities. Some people believe that governments should make these unhealthy foods and drinks more expensive by taxing them. The tax (money paid to the government) would discourage consumption of unhealthy foods and drinks and raise money for future health-care costs. Other people believe that consumers buying foods or drinks should not pay any additional tax, even if the food or drinks are unhealthy. Which viewpoint do you agree with, and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Be sure to use your own words. Do not use memorized examples.


For the rich, their choice to eat foods with a lot of sugar, salt and fat is in many cases a matter of personal preference. Even though affluent people can financially choose whatever they want to eat, there are still many rich people who are particularly fond of fast food. For them, even a government tax on unhealthy food will not affect their eating habits in any way, because the fluctuation of food prices will have no effect on them. They simply do not care to spend thousands of dollars a month or more on food, which means raising taxes on unhealthy food will not have the same effect on the rich as the government is trying to achieve. I'd like to use the example of Warren Buffett to prove this point. He is the most successful value investor in the world and was the richest man in the world many times. In terms of wealth, he can eat any delicious food he wants in the world, but he insists on buying a burger and a bottle of Coke on his way to work every morning. In fact, he has kept this habit for decades. He even drinks Coke every time he hosts a Berkshire Hathaway shareholder meeting. This example is a good illustration of how taxing unhealthy foods makes absolutely no sense. (223 Words)



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than it was in the past. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


The second reason to support my view is that with the continuous improvement of medical technology, people's health is now better guaranteed. In contrast, in the past, due to the backwardness of technology, it was very likely that people could not get timely and effective treatment when they got sick, so they could not maintain their health. A good example is the Great Influenza caused by World War I in 1918. This influenza originated in a military camp in Kansas, because a cook in the camp first contracted the virus from contact with poultry. Because this virus was not taken seriously by the . government, it quickly spread from Kansas to the east coast of the United States and eventually to France, from where it then spread throughout Europe. Although the 1918 flu was known as the Spanish flu, that flu actually killed many people all over the world. According to media reports, the number of deaths around the world may have reached 50 million, which is more than the number of deaths in World War I. The main reason behind this is that the medical technology at that time was so backward that the virus could not be effectively controlled after it spread. Now, on the contrary, although the new coronavirus was rampant around the world in 2020, it was quickly and effectively controlled because medical workers now have enough advanced technology to develop a variety of vaccines to control the spread of the virus in a short period of time. As a result, people are now also more likely to stay healthy. (264 Words)

托福独立写作总结句 第2篇

bare one’s heart 袒露心迹

share ups and downs 分享事迹

facilitate communication 促进交流

harmonious relationship form an emotional tie/emotional attachment


Harmony spurs efficiency. 和谐激发效率

By emotion, I refer to joy, sensitivity, pleasure, anger and so on. If people can share emotions, they can form an emotional tie among them, which will link their feelings. This emotional attachment is beneficial to harmonious relationship as well as to the fulfillment of a project. For example, my good friend and I are on good emotional terms. We share sorrow and happiness. As a result, our lives become happier and more enjoyable.

托福独立写作总结句 第3篇

A willing ox 任劳任怨的人

selfless contribution the stat of being recognized a sense of belonging provide satisfaction motivation for further improvement


By acknowledgement, I mean the state of being recognized. When we are recognized by our company (school/ college/ group/ community or society), we can experience a sense of belonging. The feeling of being recognized provides satisfaction and motivation for further improvement. Hence, when a person can be identified by others, the subsequent outcome can be beyond imagination. Bill Gates, through luck, diligence, and team spirit leads Microsoft to splendor. And he distributes his wealth generously, which won him a name: the greatest philanthropist around the world. His success is acknowledged by our society. And his satisfaction index can be higher than that of any other peers.

托福独立写作总结句 第4篇

crave for/long for/yearn for/pine for creatures of desire 欲望之物

meet our needs to one’s heart’s content 尽情享受

fulfill one’s dream satisfy one’s vanity 满足虚荣心

Desire refers to our hope or inclination. We are all creatures of desires. We try our best/endeavor to satisfy our desire and vanity: the desire to relax to our heart’s content; the desire to gain more knowledge; the desire to earn big money and the desire to be loved. To meet one’s desire is to enjoy a happy life. Hence, we are all willing to sacrifice our time and efforts to make our heart’s desire fulfilled.

托福独立写作总结句 第5篇

be protected against failure 防止失败

damage a sense of security 破坏安全感

facilitate the harmony of society Safety is the top priority.


Safety refers to the condition of being protected against failure, damage, error, accidents, harm, et cetera. Safety is usually our main concern.

托福独立写作总结句 第6篇

undergo ordeal 经受磨难

first-hand experience 亲身体验

accumulation of knowledge 知识积累

Experience is wealth. 经验是财富

Experience is a helmsman guiding our voyage. 经验是指导我们航行的舵手

Other people’s experience can be of help. 它山之石可以攻玉

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 事物的好坏需要经过实践检验

Experience refers to the accumulation of knowledge or skill that result from direct participation in events or activities. Our experience is a wealth that can enrich our life. When we enjoy modern educational facilities and indulge in the prestigious academic atmosphere, we can harvest valuable educational experience. When we undergo the training of expertise experiences serve as an enlightenment brightening our career path.

托福独立写作总结句 第7篇

money- conscious 重金钱的

cut down the price steady development Waste not, and want not. 不浪费,不短缺

Husband energy, and cut emission. 节能减排

To save is to earn Our society is economy-driven.节约型社会

A penny saved is a penny earned. 积水可以成河

Being economical means using the minimum of time or resources necessary for effectiveness. Being economical or money- saving is vital to people as an English proverb puts it that “ a penny saved is a penny earned”. When we achieve economy in expenditure, we are in fact making money work for us. When we bargain and cut down the price, we are money-conscious; when we take bus instead of driving our own cars, we are reducing the cost for petrol.






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