
山崖发表网作文2023-12-24 09:33:1338

共享经济作文英语结尾 第1篇

Welcome to Hangzhou. I am Li Yue, president of the Student Union in my school. I'd like to briefly introduce the Hangzhou Public Bicycle Service to you. Our city insists to protect the environment, so we began to use the Public Bicycle Service to reduce the traffic stress in . There were 65 thousand bicycles for people to use in daily life. In general, more than 8 million people have to use them every year.

Some people think they are very useful and believe they will make our society more beautiful. Others think they are not convenient enough. As far as I can see, reading a bicycle is so interesting. We can take exercise with it. Meanwhile, Our environment get protected. Let's go into action!

共享经济作文英语结尾 第2篇















然而,只关注流通环节的问题在于很难控制产品和服务的品质,尤其对于复杂的产品和服务,要在生产流程的每一步进行质量控制,所以这个新成员正在逐渐进入生产环节,这也就诞生了O2O和SaaS。SaaS是Software as a Service(“软件即服务”)的缩写,它的用户主要是企业。这里软件是形式,服务才是本质,可以说没有通过软件提供服务的SaaS都是耍流氓。怎样通过软件提供服务呢?其实就是把服务者的专业知识、经验、思想、能力都融入了软件的功能和程序逻辑里,与SaaS用户(企业)的业务流程紧密融合,帮助SaaS的使用者更好的完成业务活动。这也是SaaS和传统ERP的本质区别,ERP只有记录功能,而SaaS有指导能力。因此,SaaS指导和监督企业完成好每一步生产流程,从而进入了产品的生产环节,成为企业活动的组织者。






共享经济作文英语结尾 第3篇


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the sharing economy. Your essay should include the benefits the sharing economy can bring and its limits. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


It is universally acknowledged that the sharing economy means that people sell or purchase the unoccupied resources via online transaction. Having been a new trend, the sharing economy is playing a more and more crucial part in our modern life.

There is no doubt that a large number of people benefit a lot from the sharing economy. Above all, it contributes to making good use of the resources. People, who own available stuff and don’t use it for the moment, can sell or rent it to others who need it. Thus, it’s beneficial for both of them, for not only the seller or renter can make money but the purchaser can save money. Moreover, it can make sure that things can be used as many times as possible instead of being abandoned. In addition, it helps to build up trust between each other.

However, the rise of the sharing economy leads to the difficult management. For instance, the sharing bikes bring convenience for people, but people place the bikes at random and even occupy the room of the sidewalk. Therefore, how to manage the sharing things is worth considering.

共享经济作文英语结尾 第4篇


共享经济作文英语结尾 第5篇

Local governments should relax parking charges while shopping malls, residential communities and other areas should set aside space for car sharing, according to the central government guidelines ➤ short term car rental (car sharing); _vehicle pre booking and vehicle return rental services_; (identity check to improve their online and offline personal information security) The whole service adopts credit system instead of deposit ➤ (commercial center government affairs transportation hub public parking lot ➤ (parking fee causes space traffic congestion ➤ (new energy vehicle real name registration system online purchase service parallel import vehicle charging station after-sales service sharing economy.


summery+CommentSummary评论共享汽车地方应放宽停车收费,而购物中心、居民社区和其他区域应留出共享汽车的空间,根据周二发布的中央指导方针➤短期车辆租赁(共享汽车);“车辆预订取车和归还车辆租赁服务”;(身份检查改善其在线和离线个人信息安全服务采用信用系统而不是存款➤(商业中心 Hub公共停车场➤(停车费引发空间城市交通拥堵➤(新能源汽车实名登记系统网上购车服务平行进口汽车充电站售后服务共享经济。

共享经济作文英语结尾 第6篇






汽车共享类:Zipcar、Bla Bla Car、







Bla Bla Car

Bla Bla Car是一家汽车共享服务公司,在法国建立。


过去3年 中,Blablacar已经收购了8家公司,尤其是在4月 份的时候,收购了其在欧洲最大的竞争对手--德国。目前Blablacar的业务覆盖19个国家,用户数量达万。拿到融资后,Blablacar正在加紧步伐进军新兴市场,最近在俄罗斯、印度、墨西哥和土耳其推出了服务,12月 将进军巴西市场,明年拓展拉美和亚洲市场。并且,Blablacar在扩张计划中还有意的避开了美国市场,主要是考虑到城市间距离较远,并且燃料价格昂贵。




Airbnb是AirBed and Breakfast (“Air-b-n-b”)的缩写,中文名:空中食宿。空中食宿是一家联系旅游人士和家有空房出租的房主的服务型网站,它可以为用户提供多样的住宿信息。









作为民宿短租行业的两家龙头企业,首先在业务模式有很大区别,合并之前,蚂蚁短租是典型的C2C模式,中国版Airbnb,途家前期的商业模式是B2C+O2O,中国版HomeAway。Airbnb是一个旅行房屋租赁社区,用户可以通过网站、手机或平板电脑发布、发掘和预订世界各地的独特房源,被时代周刊誉为“住房市场的Ebay”。HomeAway是一家提供旅假日房屋租赁的平台公司,目前已经发展成为全球最大的假日房屋租赁在线服务提供商,而且在纳斯达克上市。Airbnb是短租分享领域的一哥,HomeAway则是民宿领域的一哥。短租分享和民宿其实是同一个行业的细分子行业,两者有重叠,存在竞争关系,不过两者目标客户群和收费模式还是有差别的。途家的客户群体主要是中介和房地产商,蚂蚁短租的目标客户主要是个人业主,途家主要靠收取年费和管理费而蚂蚁短租则是抽取佣金。在未收购蚂蚁短租时,途家自己也加强了C端业务开发力度,比如招募全球个人房东,不过这块业务途家起步略晚,需要补强。因此借着这次收购蚂蚁短租算是补足了C端业务的短板,毕竟蚂蚁短租作为国内最大的在线短租平台可不是浪得虚名的。短租公寓单纯靠“价差盈利”模式是不能走远的,唯一可行的是尽量延长整个服务链条,并且别死守某块业务或固于某种商业模式,资源需要整合,才能达到规模效应与优化。收购蚂蚁短租之后的途家摇身变成了中国版“Airbnb+ Homeaway”的综合体,我把它称为“AirHome”。











共享经济作文英语结尾 第7篇

Recently, bike-sharing system becomes more and more popular in some big cities such as Shang还 and Guangzhou. The public can find a mass of shared bikes and hire them at a low price. Whats more, you can park the bike wherever you like. Because of it, urban transportation becomes more convenient and even results in revolutionary change.

However, as the bike-sharing system develops, there are some problems coming forth including parking at random, damaging the bikes and so on. The authorities have to take measures to solve these problems. In the first place, the government can put stricter laws and regulations into effect to normalize the operation and administration of the system. Moreover, the public should strengthen the awareness of using the shared bike reasonably. Last but not least, the urban transportation system should be upgraded and improved to cater to cars, bikes and pedestrians.

In all, we should hold a rational attitude to the bike-sharing plan. It can be forecasted that the bike-sharing system will play a constructive role in the urban public transportation by taking effective measures and corporate efforts.

共享经济作文英语结尾 第8篇






















共享经济作文英语结尾 第9篇

Bicycle Sharing

With the development of technology, bicycle sharing es into peoples lives. It bees more and more popular and much news reported it. At the same time, we should see that there are some problems caused by bicycle sharing.

On one side, bicycle sharing makes it very convenient of people traveling. You can find a bicycle anywhere at any time when you want to go out for a cycling, and the price of one trip is very low. It cansave time for people. On the other side, its management is not perfect. Even kids can open the lock and ride the bicycle, there is no doubt that such behavior is very dangerous. Whats more, many people deliberately break it, like throw it to the river or destroy the code above it.

In my opinion, we should take a developing view about bicycle sharing. It is obviously helpful to human beings as a high-tech product. The government should introduce relevant provisions toregulate this market to avoid its disadvantages.






共享经济作文英语结尾 第10篇

The shared bikes like Mobike and Ofo bring great convenience to people. You needn’t lock them by simply using your smart phone. They can take you where the subway and bus don’t go. And they can be left anywhere in public for the next user.

However, bad things happen. Some people damage the QR code on the bike, or use their own lock, whichcauses trouble to other users.

In my opinion, it’s difficult to turn these people’s ideas in a short time. Therefore, bike-sharing companies like Mobike and Ofo need to do something. For example, those who damage the bike should pay for their actions. Also, because people use their real name toregister as a user, it’s a good way to connect to one’spersonal credit.

In the end, what I want to say is to take good care of public services.

共享经济作文英语结尾 第11篇

Id like to briefly introduce the Public Bicycle Service to you. Our city insists to protect the environment, so we began to use the Public Bicycle Service to reduce the traffic stress in . There were 65 thousand bicycles for people to use in daily life. In general, more than 8 million people have to use them every year.

Some people think they are very useful and believe they will make our society more beautiful. Others think they are not convenient enough. As far as I can see, riding a bicycle is so interesting. We can take exercise with it. Meanwhile, Our environment gets protected. Lets take it into action!

共享经济作文英语结尾 第12篇









共享经济作文英语结尾 第13篇

Bike rental and advantages and disadvantages, the advantage of leasing is to bring convenience to go to place, and convenient and quick, survey know, people think that advantages of bicycle is convenient to the masses, no bicycle bring convenient, but also save the money to buy a bike, and some cycling enthusiasts can also be use to ride a bicycle, but I think, the government and the company establish a bike rental, I think, this is not just to let you convenient, more promoted the people understanding of life in the low carbon and environmental protection, encourage people to use bicycles and public transport equipment, less drive a car, beautify the environment.

All the advantages and disadvantages, and the bike again brought convenience for all at the same time, and to bring us the disadvantages, because the bike is free rental, although I am a real people in chengdu, but I dont think we are the citys civilization degree how good, how high. Since its free, the damage is certain. Through my photos you can find, whether its on the rear wheel cover, or on the pedals, has a different degree of damage, chengdu people have a kind of is not what I, as long as you dont pursue to me, I will damage him, it possess oneself of, I would do without self-interest is a double-edged sword -- is prefer to destroy, also want to heal. Have more winners: not only that, but also in dujiangyan, there are people in order not to let others borrow his car and on the wheel up and lock secretly, dont let other people to borrow in order to achieve the purpose of. Damage is very serious, for bike three holy land of bike rental station bike has a different degree of damage, and there will be lightly basked in junk and clutter. Some bike rental stations have one or three bikes to stop.

We put forward the opinion of the proposal, mostly that handle card if not collective, is more troublesome, some people is only a temporary residence permit, cant handle the bike rental card, most of people think that it will be not handle card convenient many, I think pay the deposit, for example, when a property, or a more straightforward method is better.

About how to solve the problem of bicycle damaged, most of people believe that free rental is impossible to control the bicycle damaged problem, some argue that the need to improve the quality of the citizens, to improve the quality of the rent a bicycle, want to rent a bicycle consciously abide by the rules, love bicycle, he brought convenience to you, you should cherish it, but I think that this approach is not feasible, the consciousness of people is not high, so this method basic is not workable.

Others think in ZuLinZhan, should set up a management, strengthen management, to change fundamentally the bicycle damaged problems, and this method is good, but there are so many chengdu bike rental site takes human, material and financial resources and this method is not workable. There is also the idea that it is impossible to make a bicycle so that the people there will be able to repair the bicycle, and it will never be possible to do it.

In it and most people think that to be on the bike rental penalty method, make compensation for bicycle damaged upkeep or rent other things, like first hand in the deposit, according to the extent of damage to take the deposit of money, or lease all kinds of information into the lease of card, after the car damaged or not to return the parties can be found to deal with, this kind of method is better than all of the above method, are much more feasible, can achieve quick results, although see the effect, but still lost the original intention of this method, lost the bike rental is to let everybody understand the nature of low carbon, environmental protection.

To sum up, the bicycle rental is not just for the convenience of the people, but for education, our earth is in crisis, and under the eyes are the best way is to low carbon life, drive cars less, less air conditioning, reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and methane, protect the earth.

All in all, bicycle leasing must be a pros and cons, and its up to everyone to protect the bikes. Improve the quality of the citizens and build the beautiful city!!!


共享经济作文英语结尾 第14篇





共享经济作文英语结尾 第15篇


It is universally acknowledged that the sharing economy means that people sell or purchase the unoccupied resources via online transaction. Having been a new trend, the sharing economy is playing a more and more crucial part in our modern life.

There is no doubt that a large number of people benefit a lot from the sharing economy. Above all, it contributes to making good use of the resources. People, who own available stuff and don’t use it for the moment, can sell or rent it to others who need it. Thus, it’s beneficial for both of them, for not only the seller or renter can make money but the purchaser can save money. Moreover, it can make sure that things can be used as many times as possible instead of being abandoned. In addition, it helps to build up trust between each other.

However, the rise of the sharing economy leads to the difficult management. For instance, the sharing bikes bring convenience for people, but people place the bikes at random and even occupy the room of the sidewalk. Therefore, how to manage the sharing things is worth considering.

共享经济作文英语结尾 第16篇

With the development of technology, bicycle sharing comes into peoples becomes more and more popular and much news reported the same time, we should see that there are some problems caused by bicycle sharing.

On one side, bicycle sharing makes it very convenient of people can find a bicycle anywhere at any time when you want to go out for a cycling, and the price of one trip is very cansave time forpeople. On the other side, its management is not perfect. Even kids can open the lock and ride the bicycle, there is no doubt that such behavior is very more, many people deliberately break it, like throw it to the river or destroy the code above it.

In my opinion, we should take a developing view about bicycle is obviously helpful to human beings as a high-tech government should introduce relevant provisions to regulate this market to avoid its disadvantages.

共享经济作文英语结尾 第17篇

I would like to briefly introduce the public bicycle service. Our city insists on protecting the environment, so we began to use the public bicycle service to reduce the traffic pressure. Generally speaking, there are thousands of bicycles for people's daily use, and more than one million people use bicycle every year.

Some people think that they are very useful and believe that it will make our society more beautiful Some people think that they are not convenient. As far as I can see, cycling is so interesting that we can exercise with it. At the same time, our environment is protected.

Let's take action.



共享经济作文英语结尾 第18篇

Presently, in big cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou, bicycle-sharing system has become increasingly large number of shared bikes can be found and rented at a low , you can park the bike almost anywhere you transportation has thus been made much more convenient and even , along with its rapid development, bicycle-sharing system also brings some problems, including random parking, vandalism and possession of shared bikes, solve these problems, there are some measures for the authorities to take.由好作网整理

Firstly, the government could implement more strict laws and rules to regulate the operation and management of bicycle-sharing , the public should raise their awareness of using shared bike , urban transportation system should be upgraded and improved to accommodate automobiles, bikes and pedestrians.

To conclude, a sensible attitude should be held toward bicycle-sharing effective and efficient measures taken, and efforts made by those involved,it can be expected that bicycle-sharing system will play a contributive and constructive role in urban public transportation.

共享经济作文英语结尾 第19篇

City streets around the country have seen an explosion of the colourful bikes that users can rent on demand with a smartphone app and then park wherever they choose.

Companies such as xx and xx, with their rival fleets of bumblebee yellow and fluorescent orange bikes, have been locked in a cut-throat battle for customers.

China’s mobile bicycle-sharing platforms have seen their bikes sabotaged in many cities, as their expansion across the country runs into local resistance.

xx-brand sharing bicycles in Xiamen, East China’s Fujian Province, a city popular with tourists, have been sabotaged, with the QR codes used to unlock the bikes being defaced or locals attaching their own locks to the bikes, the local West Strait Morning Post reported on Sunday.






共享经济作文英语结尾 第20篇

It is universally acknowledged that the sharing economy means that people sell or purchase the unoccupied resources via online transaction. Having been a new trend, the sharing economy is playing a more and more crucial part in our modern life.

There is no doubt that a large number of people benefit a lot from the sharing economy. Above all, it contributes to making good use of the resources. People, who own available stuff and don’t use it for the moment, can sell or rent it to others who need it. Thus, it’s beneficial for both of them, for not only the seller or renter can make money but the purchaser can save money. Moreover, it can make sure that things can be used as many times as possible instead of being abandoned. In addition, it helps to build up trust between each other.

However, the rise of the sharing economy leads to the difficult management. For instance, the sharing bikes bring convenience for people, but people place the bikes at random and even occupy the room of the sidewalk. Therefore, how to manage the sharing things is worth considering.

共享经济作文英语结尾 第21篇





共享经济作文英语结尾 第22篇

Dear Jim,

I’m writing to tell you more about the new form of sharing bike xx mentioned in your latest letter.

It’s very convenient to use if you have a smartphone. What you do is find a nearest xxthrough the APP, scan the QR code on the bike, and enjoy your trip.

Compared to other forms of sharing bike, the greatest advantage of xx is that you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. It is being a new trend as a means of transportation, which relieves the traffic pressure and does good to the environment as well.

Hope to ride a xx with you in China.


Li Hua




如果你有智能手机,使用起来十分方便。你要做的就是找一个最近的xxthrough APP,扫描QR码在自行车上,享受您的旅行。




共享经济作文英语结尾 第23篇

In recent months, v-mobile, ofo, blue, etc. the emergence of bike sharing Xiaoming, indeed greatly facilitate peoples lives.

But ofo and other types of bicycle bike sharing is different: not the real name system can also unlock the bike! That high street and high streets and back lanes often to school time or rush hour will appear swarms of minor pupil staff ofo bicycle on the road speed is very fast on the rampage, self and others are very dangerous! (with observation of the people should be able to notice)

Just like I just went out shopping, at a junction, I saw eight to ten primary school students, riding on ofo sharing bicycles, making loud noises at the intersection, which seriously affected the traffic

From the ofo sharing bike to today, I saw at least twenty minor students riding on the road, riding on the road!

Some people may say that their parents are using mobile phone to unlock their use! EXM, kidding! Twenty parents, each of you can unlock to his children on the road that winds, how did not see Mobell, blue, told those car.

Minors on the road so dangerous ride, for pregnant women, the elderly, as well as the implementation of the baby cart people, will have unimaginable serious consequences!!!

Sharing bicycles can facilitate peoples travel life and make an indelible contribution to the citys environmental protection work, but please dont ignore the other side!!!

I hope the government and other relevant departments can control ofo shared bicycle, like Mobell, blue, Xiaoming, through the real name system to unlock the way to maintain order in the city safe!

共享经济作文英语结尾 第24篇






早在1978年,马科斯·费尔逊(MarcUs FelSon)和琼·斯潘思(JaoL Spaeth)在研究个人汽车共享和租赁时第一次提出“共享经济”这一概念,他们将其描述为“peer to peer”的合作消费方式,可以大幅节约消费成本。“共享经济”也称“分享经济”,是指拥有闲置资源的机构或个人有偿让渡资源使用权给他人,让渡者获取回报,分享者利用分享他人的闲置资源创造价值。吉里米·里夫金指出“共享经济”是“协作大于竞争”的经济。这是一种充分利用现有社会闲置资源,提高利用效率的环保经济。Peter Lacy认为“共享经济”会通过平台和技术惠及产品和未得到最大化利用的行业。


l  产生背景







Airbnb成立之初的创意,是在,住在美国旧金山的两位设计师——Brian Chesky与Joe Gebbia因为付不起房租,所以计划将阁楼出租出去赚取外快。他们自己动手建了一个网站,网站上包含地板上摆放的三张空气床垫的照片,以及供应家庭自制早餐服务的承诺。很快他们获得了3个租客。这就是Airbnb——Airbed and breakfast早期的雏形。

但是Airbnb的成立过程并不容易,虽然首次推出的创意获得了成功,但是Airbnb采取的是Online To Offline模式,将线下的商务机会与互联网结合,让互联网成为线下交易的平台。Airbnb就是这样一个平台,提供给房客和住户一个相互交换信息的机会。Airbnb坚持当初的创业理念,把空置的房屋出租,可以获得比较便宜的租金。直到现在,Airbnb还保留着当初的传统,雇佣专业的摄影师,为房东免费拍摄照片,传到网站上,吸引了越来越多的Airbnb用户。

2、Airbnb的商业模型- C2C信息撮合平台模式



共享经济作文英语结尾 第25篇

Bike sharing: when you want to go out and ride a bike, you can ride it anywhere at any time, and the price of a trip is very low. It can save time for people on the other side. Its management is not perfect, and even children can open the lock to ride a bicycle.

This is undoubtedly very dangerous. Moreover, many people deliberately break it, like throwing it in my opinion, we We should hold a development view on bicycle sharing, which is obviously helpful to human beings as a high-tech product. The government should issue relevant regulations to regulate this market, so as to avoid its disadvantages.

In big cities such as Shanghai and Guangzhou, bicycle sharing system is becoming more and more popular. People can find a large number of shared bicycles and rent them at a low price. Moreover, you can park your bike anywhere you like.

Therefore, with the rapid development of bicycles, transportation has become more convenient, and even revolutionary changes have taken place. Bicycle sharing system has also brought some problems, including random parking, intentional destruction and possession of shared bicycles. To solve these problems, the government needs to take some measures: first of all, the government can implement more stringent laws and regulations to regulate bike sharing Secondly, the public should enhance the awareness of rational use of shared bicycles and improve the transportation system to meet the needs of cars, bicycles and pedestrians.

In a word, we should have a rational attitude towards the bicycle sharing plan, take effective measures and let relevant personnel make efforts. It can be predicted that bike sharing system will play a beneficial and constructive role in public transport.




共享经济作文英语结尾 第26篇

Presently, in big cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou, bicycle-sharing system has beeincreasingly popular. A large number of shared bikes can be found and rented at a low , you can park the bike almost anywhere you like. Urban transportation

However, along with its rapid development, bicycle-sharing system also brings some problems, including random parking, vandalism and possession of shared bikes, etc.

To conclude, a sensible attitude should be held toward bicycle-sharing program. With effectiveand efficient measures taken, and efforts made by those involved, it can be expected that bicycle-sharing system will play a contributive and constructive role in urban public transportation.

共享经济作文英语结尾 第27篇

The problems of bike sharing

Bike sharing, taking the convenience and environment protection as their selling points, now is in full swing around the whole country. Nevertheless, bike sharing falls short of suitable supervision at the beginning and thus triggers various difficulties.

First, the bike panies expand their market without control. They rarely want to occupy the entire market, and therefore they bring countless bikes to the streets, campuses, or the exit of subway stations, which has a negative impact on the heavy traffic. Some panies do not have sufficient fund to pay back their debt of these bikes, so they are on the verge of bankruptcy, let alone attending the bikes causing problems of the traffic. This cut-throat petition is a vicious circle. Moreover, some panies cannot afford to pay back the deposit when closing down, leading to a loss of customers.

Above all, bike sharing has incited numerous troubles, and it has no hope of flourishing without suitable supervision. The bike panies cannot burst into the market with gusto. Instead, they need a plan, or they might finally get stuck in a tough spot.

共享经济作文英语结尾 第28篇

















共享经济作文英语结尾 第29篇


Bike-sharing has been advocated by the government in recent years. It offers help to the people who is in a hurry to reach the destination soon, the more important is to let more people back to the simple traffic style and reduce private cars, so as to protect our environment. But some people make use of this policy to take advantages of others. News report that some middle age men and women force people to give charge after finishing using bike-sharing, because they look after the bikes. It is known to all that bike-sharing is free, which is the convenience government offers to the public. It is ridiculous to charge. When the news exposed, the public know the truth and the ones who take charge are criticized. Under the government’s supervision, now bike-sharing is more popular.


共享经济作文英语结尾 第30篇

With the development of internet,a new card has appeared and has great different from traditional paper card,this is electronic is accepted by more and more people for its various form,and it is very interesting because it can be played with flash and its sent by internet,itll be received addition,electronic card is more environmental than paper card.

Owing to these advantage,the electronic card will be more and more popular in future.

共享经济作文英语结尾 第31篇







目录第一章、摘要— 1 — 1·1项目简单描述— 1 — 1·2市场目标概述— 1 — 1·3项目优势及特点简介— 2 — 1·4利润来源简析— 2 —第二章、项目背景— 3 — 2·1市场简析— 3 — 2·2市场现状— 3 — 2·3市场机会— 4 —第三章、产品及服务— 5 — 3·1产品介绍— 5 — 3·2项目战略规划— 6 — 3·3商业模式— 6 — 3·4盈利模式— 7 — 3·5项目的可操作性— 7 —第四章、市场及竞争分析— 8 — 4·1目标客户分析— 8 — 4·2竞争者分析— 8 — 4·3 SWOT分析— 8 —第五章、营销策略— 10 — 5·1品牌理念— 10 — 5·2推广策略— 10 — 5·3直销与重点区域集中控制— 10 — 5·4广告策略— 10 — 5·5公关策略— 11 — 5·6价格策略— 11 —第六章、财务规划— 12 — 6·1年内经营预测— 12 — 6·2预测依据— 12 — 6·3公司三年的财务预计(单位:元)— 13 —第七章、管理执行说明— 14 — 7·1企业文化— 14 — 7·2现有团队简介— 14 — 7·3公司架构— 15 — 7·4人力资源管理— 16 — 7·5管理与执行— 17 — 7·6财务管理大纲— 17 —第八章、项目投融资说明— 19 — 8·1资金需求说明— 19 — 8·2资金使用计划— 19 — 8·3投资形式及资本构成— 19 — 8·4报告— 19 —第九章、风险分析与规避— 21 — 9·1市场及竞争风险— 21 — 9·2管理风险— 21 — 9·3成本控制风险— 21 — 9·4财务风险— 21 — 9·5复制风险— 22 — 9·6法律风险— 22 — 9·7无广告投放风险— 22 —第十章、风险投资退出— 23 — 10·1退出方式— 23 — 10·2退出时机— 24 —第一章、摘要1·1项目简单描述项目名称:XXXXX(公益类项目)公司名称:





























共享经济作文英语结尾 第32篇
















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