
山崖发表网范文2022-08-30 08:34:29752




会议要求,各单位要认真学习兄弟单位先进经验,并结合自身实际,制定工作规划、实施方案及保障措施,切实通过副井提升系统安全评价、系统简化优化及自动化无人化建设提升效率、保障安全、降低成本,打造安全集约高效的现代化企业。一要借鉴车集煤矿副井安全评价工作经验和典型方法。如编制安全评价进度表、对评价结果存在问题及不足总结分析,制定措施及时整改、井筒装备检查采用人工及视频巡检仪相结合、利用温度计和红外测温装置保证轴承温升测量结果,绘制井架偏斜历史曲线和井筒装备间隙数据曲线等经验做法。各煤业公司要对现有评价标准进行梳理完善,制定适合矿井的标准模板,在本单位推广,各矿井机电矿长必须亲力亲为,确实把此项工作做细做实。二要借鉴永煤公司系统简化优化经验。如在供电系统方面:通过提高电压等级,完善电气保护,以区域集中供电为目标,对用电相对集中的掘进工作面采用移动变电站集中供电,优化合并采区变电所和配电点,减少供配电环节和变电所数量,提高供电可靠性,降低运行成本,保证供电安全。在运输系统方面:主煤流系统及采掘地区多部皮带机进行合并,减少皮带机数量和转运环节,提高系统效率,减少人员占用;优化辅助运输系统,因地制宜推广无极绳绞车和单轨吊辅助运输系统,实现采掘工作面安全高效运输;将矸石山轨道提升系统改造为皮带运输,实现单人集中控制,实现减人提效等。三要借鉴永煤公司自动化无人化实践经验。永煤公司近年来始终坚持“多上设备少上人”“少人多安、无人则安”的理念,通过实施排水系统、供电系统、主煤流皮带系统、压风系统等自动化无人化改造,对已实现自动化无人化子系统推行“走岗式”管理,仅本部5对矿井合岗分流 290余人,年直接经济效益2300余万元,安全效益和经济效益成效显著。各单位要借鉴永煤公司在自动化无人化建设方面的实践经验,对今年已确定的试点矿井、试点项目及现有子系统的自动化无人化改造工作,要认真组织落实,通过完善硬件设施、制度标准及人员培训,确保按期完成,实现矿井安全集约高效生产。







Working for a period of time, the director of the hospital leaders and head nurse's words and deeds, concerned about culture, help and cooperation in support of colleagues, I continue to strengthen the ideological and political education, the work of excellence, the successful completion of the work of their commitment to the task, personal ideological and political quality and work ability some progress has been made, a good foundation for the future work and study, the work and study are summarized as follows:

In the aspect of political thought, adhere to the patient as the center, take the quality as the core of the nursing service concept, to adapt to the new nursing mode, the new situation of social development, and actively participate in all political activities, contributing to society for the purpose of serving patients, patient satisfaction as the standard, wholeheartedly serve patients.

Study and work, strict compliance with the rules and regulations of hospitals and departments, strictly implement the system and check the implementation of the system of nursing procedures, reduce accidents, strict implementation of aseptic operation, ensure the safety of pregnant women and newborns. Implement the "take the patient as the center, take the quality as the core" service concept, civilized service, adhere to civilized language, to carry out each work in the working time of the dignified, neatly dressed, polite and amiable, with language specification.

The young nurse could recognize me, do the nurse responsibility, and strive to improve the nursing quality and nursing records form qualified rate; the shortcomings and errors, summarizing and analysis, find the hidden danger of nip in the bud.

In the process of work, I deeply feel my lack of knowledge of various infectious diseases, and obviously feel the urgency to strengthen their own learning and improve their quality. One is to learn from books, to squeeze a certain amount of time each day to enrich themselves, widely absorbs a variety of "nutrition"; the two is to learn from colleagues, always remain modest and prudent attitude, humbly ask for advice, the initiative to consult colleagues, in a variety of infectious disease hospital and department organization knowledge learning; the three is to learn in practice and to use the knowledge to practical work, in practice the knowledge, find inadequate, improve themselves, to prevent and overcome the tendency to stop, a smattering of.

I always remind myself to continue to strengthen their ideological and moral cultivation and personality quality exercise, and enhance the sense of dedication, selfless selfless as the focus of personal accomplishment. Free from the bad habits of society

Ring, start from every little bit trivial; work discipline, dedication, firmly establish wholeheartedly check erroneous ideas at the outset, the purpose of serving the patients.

The above is my work in the hospital for a month summary, these days feel hospital spirit and confidence in the future, to the hospital to contribute their meager strength, please leaders and colleagues to supervise and support!


















I am a quiet girl. In the colorful campus life, I got a lot of happiness, with friends, the kind of trust smile, so I can not forget, I use a warm heart to treat the students around me. Because I believe that a single effort, a harvest. I respect the teachers, unite students, helpful. Although learning, my foundation is not solid enough, but I do not dare to neglect the work of study, seriously study, and humbly ask the teacher and students. Junior high school for three years, I constantly make progress, gradually perfect, enrich themselves, pioneering struggle for three years. No matter what difficulties I meet, I will bravely face it and never shrink back. Therefore, I believe that my future will be better, so that I can find their own value.

Junior high school three years, I learned a lot of knowledge, thinking than before has greatly improved, I hope to be able to be an ideal, ambitious, educated people, for the construction of socialist China to make their own efforts.


My name is ***. I'm ** years old. I graduated last year. My major is Hotel Management. I am now familiar with hotel management. Since my internship, I have worked in multiple departments. I have worked as a room clerk a year since my graduation, so I'm quite familiar with the Opera system and have accumulated some e*perience in room management. I love surfing the internet in my spare time and as well as shopping and sports.

I hope I have a good chance to grow with your hotel if I could join you.


I have Concubine good looks, communication skills and organizational capacities of the strong, experienced numerous winter and summer vacations working temper my language ability and understanding, a better future for my work to lay a solid foundation for the hope that I have learned to for your company to the further development of the power that your company can be given the opportunity to display their time. Thank you!


Lively and cheerful, optimistic, broad interest, adaptable, quick, studious, down-to-earth, serious and responsible, perseverance, hard work and courage to meet new challenges

I am a warm and cheerful personality, treat people friendly, honest and humble. Work hard, serious and responsible, can be hard-working, due diligence, patience. With affinity, approachable, good at communication.

Study earnestly, outstanding performance, among the best. Excellent academic performance, for three consecutive years of college scholarships. He served as the Department of the Department of Student Union cadres, vice president of the Department of the Organization Department of the total, the class life of the members of the students work and go out to sponsor and business contacts in the process, greatly improving their ability to work and work. In addition, also actively participate in extracurricular sports activities, a variety of social practice and part-time work, in order to increase their own experience, improve their ability. Work experience in work, exercise eloquence and interpersonal skills. For two consecutive years of college "summer social practice activists", "student union excellent officer" and the honorary title.

In normal school life, did a lot of part-time. For example: tutor, telephone interviewer, restaurant waiter, send leaflets, questionnaire, but also to the factory played summer jobs, personal experience of a variety of different operating procedures and work methods, exercise has become hard-working spirit, and from work In the experience of fun, dedication.

Four years of college life, so that my organization coordination, management capacity, adaptability, etc. greatly enhanced, so I have a good psychological quality, so I have a greater competitive advantage, let me walk in the cause of life more High farther. Won the "outstanding college students" and "outstanding graduates" of the title.















I love the sales industry, through the efforts to enhance my confidence in this industry, to do a salesman is not my goal, I want to develop a higher level of work, through the work of learning and hard work, whether it is ideological , Study or work, have made considerable development and great harvest, I will be more efforts to strive for more development.In the work, a strong sense of responsibility, adaptability, enthusiasm, careful work, good coordination and communication skills, good at communication, have a certain leadership; in character, honesty, loyalty, kindness, modesty, optimism; In the business, with overall business processing and good professional judgment.Three years of sales experience taught me the basic idea of communication with others, smiling others, in good faith to be. In order to have a better practice platform, I will continue to exercise to improve themselves and I hope to use my beautiful youth, to ignite the surrounding every guest for our cause dedication, progress, a better tomorrow.


In the company's internship year of work and study, I deeply appreciate the practical experience and theoretical knowledge of the great differences, the so-called "from practice to practice." But I was from the "castle in the air" jump directly to the "ground" to become an accountant, the challenges can be imagined. Especially in the face I had only 40 points of the accounting qualification examination questions, I understand more of their own jin two, know that they only pay more sweat and hard work in order to do their jobs, live up to the expectations of , the unit leaders, especially my two managers gave me enough tolerance and patience, coupled with colleagues without reservation, "Tuition FAQ", whether it is ideological or work I have been very Big exercise and improve, has made great development and great harvest.












本次推优入党会按照《**大学推优入党工作指导手册》及相关要求组织开展,根据“指导书册”确定了九名候选团员,他们分别是。他们平时学习努力,上学期无挂课重修现象、无违纪通报 记录,均参加过党校学习并取得结业证书,考察期超过一年。



**的自我评价:20xx年6月党校培训毕业 ,通过这两个月党校的学习,经过党员前辈和导师的教导熏陶,更坚定了我入党的决心,同时让我在学习上、生活上、工作上更加严格的要求自己,不断以一名党员的条件自警。在思想上,我有良好的道德修养,坚定地政治 方向。


***的自我评价:自参加党校以来,我认真学习了马克思列宁主义、xxx思想、xxx理论和“三个代表”重要思想,学习党的路线、方针、政策及决议 ,努力提高为人民服务的本领,无论在学习或是生活方面都提升了自己。自己身为一名在校大学生,还没有完全步入社会生活,这使我在贯彻执行党的有关决议时存在局限性,但是我已经意识到应该从学习和生活上带头,尽量争取早点加入中国xxx这个大家庭为人民服务。

***的自我评价:在两个多月的党校学习可以说是我大学生活的一大转折点。经过党员前辈和领导老师的教导熏陶,我不仅更加坚定了自己入党的决心,而且在学习上、生活上中也不忘严格要求自己,无论何时都积极上进,不断以一名党员的条件自警。还认真学习马克思列宁主义、xxx思想、xxx理论和“三个代表”重要思想,学习党的路线。方针、政策及决议,学习党的基本知识。学习科学、文化 和业务知识,努力提高为人民服务的本领。在个方面接近党员所需要的条件。争取在不久之日,能真正满足党员的一切条件,进而在组织上入党。




她在学期间积极参加各种活动,加入学院辩论 队,并获得“最佳辩手”称号,生活上勤奋节俭,学习上努力认真。






思想积极,要求进步,拥护中国xxx领导,热爱生活,有一定的无私奉献精神。在生活中乐于帮助同学,为人善良忠诚;并且是一个阳光开朗的男孩,在班集体里有了他,我们感到无比的快乐,她的幽默 为我们的学习生活添加了许多乐趣。








I am the Nanjing Agricultural University College of applied chemistry majors, a 2 - 11 students belong to the University, I study science, with rational thinking well, applied chemistry is my specialty, I think this professional learning is excellent, comprehensive test for A. With a good chemistry basis, I applied for the SRT project at the university level during the junior year, and served as a moderator, with good experimental quality. I am also a school Siyuan club president, led the development of our society and it makes me think, understanding the various professional students, and have graduated seniors, know a lot of excellent students. I learn professional class at the same time, time and energy devoted to read a lot of books, can use Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks and other software, this is the future work and study to lay a good foundation.

My personality is magnanimous, but also actively and seriously, the attention of the national news, hope to be able to grasp the direction of national development through the news, now I believe that the future development of e-commerce, logistics, networking and rapid development, at the same time, the new rural construction, rural migrant workers, medical problems, these countries are to invest more energy. This will establish a clearer understanding of my future career direction, which will be beneficial to the future development of employment or entrepreneurship. We know that choosing the right direction will be closer to success.






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