描写雪的英语句子大全 精选84句

1. Snowflakes dance gracefully to the ground.

2. 记玉关踏雪事清游,寒气脆貂裘。——张炎《八声甘州·记玉关踏雪事清游》

3. It snows today. It's very happy. So am I.

4. Snowflakes fall from the sky like goose feathers.

5. 寒色孤村幕,悲风四野闻。

6. Snow, like goose feathers, flutters down.

7. 横槊题诗,登楼作赋,万事空中雪。——文天祥《酹江月·和友驿中言别》

8. If you asked me whether I had seen a big snow before that day, I would tell you I couldn't remember. But during that period I got the answer.

9. The hills were salted with a light fall of snow.

10. May snow send my greetings.

11. Today should: embrace heating, avoid: sleep cool quilt.

12. The snowflakes fall slowly like a fairy.

13. 应是天仙狂醉,乱把白云揉碎。

14. 雪虐风饕愈凛然,花中气节最高坚。——陆游《落梅》

15. Snowflakes, agglomerated are exhortation.

16. The snow became smaller and smaller after class. Maybe we lost something, but we got something, too. I didn't know what it meant. I only wished to believe it would bring me good luck.

17. 满地霜华浓似雪。——王国维《蝶恋花·满地霜华浓似雪》

18. 有雪的温暖,伴你永远。

19. 雪后燕瑶池,人间第一枝。——赵令础镀腥蛮·春风试手先梅蕊》

20. Snow is like the window flower cut by Grandma. It's very beautiful!

21. 只见白茫茫一片旷野,并无一人。

22. It snowed, and the fields wore white cotton padded jackets.

23. 大雪飘飘展笑颜,片片晶莹快乐飞。

24. 若似月轮终皎洁,不辞冰雪为卿热。——纳兰性德《蝶恋花·辛苦最怜天上月》

25. The wind of Jianhe river is wide with snow, and the sand mouth stone is frozen and the horse hoofs are taken off.

26. 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。

27. 细葛含风软,香罗叠雪轻。——杜甫《端午日赐衣》

28. 前村深雪里,昨夜一枝开。——齐己《早梅》

29. I know that I listen to the rain before the light, and I can remember to see the snow behind the mountain.

30. Wish my eyebrows to be extended and ask you winter safety.

31. 西风满天雪,何处报人恩。——齐己《剑客》

32. 地白风色寒,雪花大如手。——李白《嘲王历阳不肯饮酒》

33. 乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪。——苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》

34. 一腊天频雪,千山梅未花。

35. 马毛带雪汗气蒸,五花连钱旋作冰,幕中草檄砚水凝。——岑参《走马川行奉送出师西征》

36. Winter is coming, white snowflakes dance to the earth from the sky beautifully.

37. 数州消息断,愁坐正书空。——杜甫《对雪》

38. 天亮之前,一定要下一场雪。

39. 雪下的那么深,下的那么认真!

40. 愿,雪花捎去我的思念。

41. What a big snow I have never seen! What a beautiful snow I have never enjoy.

42. In winter, the snow slowly floats to the ground, singing and dancing.

43. 小山重叠金明灭,鬓云欲度香腮雪。——温庭筠《菩萨蛮·小山重叠金明灭》

44. The light snow fluttered happily in the air.

45. It snows on my side. How are you doing there?

46. 白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花。

47. 三春白雪归青冢,万里黄河绕黑山。

48. 看来岂是寻常色,浓淡由他冰雪中。——曹雪芹《咏红梅花得“红”字》

49. In the evening snow, the gate of the gate, the wind turned the red flag to freeze.

50. 西山白雪三城戍,南浦清江万里桥。——杜甫《野望》

51. 不知庭霰今朝落,疑是林花昨夜开。——宋之问《苑中遇雪应制》

52. The snow covered the whole earth like a thick white quilt.

53. 肮脏的心灵,被洁白的雪覆盖住了。

54. The snowflakes dance freely in the sky.

55. Snow is colder than snow, and it always hurts at the end than it begins.

56. Ice and snow, glass world, night air is as clear as possible.

57. The snowflakes seemed shy and drifted to the other side with the wind.

58. The branch snapped off under the weight of the snow.

59. The plum trees in the hometown are good, and the South Branch is open to the North Branch cold.

60. Small snowflakes dance against the wind and slowly fall down.

61. 天将暮,雪乱舞,半梅花半飘柳絮。——马致远《寿阳曲·江天暮雪》

62. When I went out for school from home, I was doomed to get a wonder. Everything seemed unlucky to me. I left the umbrella at home; I couldn't unlock my bike and a big truck held up the traffic, which took me above 5 minutes to pathe road. At last I met Charlie and we were both late for the maths class. If it happened the day before, we would go to our seats without saying anything. But today we were forced to stand outside in the cold wind because of the head teacher's bad mood. I didn't want to say anything. It was useless. So I began to stand with Charlie.

63. Let snow romantic, send me warm miss.

64. The snowflakes in the sky float to the earth like a holy angel.

65. Snow, cold as early as the beginning, warm as spring.

66. 闻道梅花坼晓风,雪堆遍满四山中。——陆游《梅花绝句》

67. He watched his woods filled up with snow.

68. 银河宛转三千曲。——周邦彦《菩萨蛮·梅雪》

69. 冬天早晨的雪很美,不信,请看。

70. 下第一场雪的那天,告白吧。

71. The white snowflakes fall gently like fairies.

72. Snowflakes come to the world quietly with light steps.

73. 一场冬雪一场寒,一声问候一声暖。

74. 半盏屠苏犹未举,灯前小草写桃符。——陆游《除夜雪》

75. Snow is like light feathers.

76. The trees were silvered with snow.

77. Plum, snow, playing in the air.

78. I did believe the snow was not only a scene but a great wonder as well. It bought me much more than it had.

79. 千里冰封,万里雪飘。

80. 玉骨那愁瘴雾,冰姿自有仙风。

81. The bright moon shines on snow, the wind is strong and sad.

82. 大雪已纷飞,你人在哪里?

83. 小酌酒巡销永夜,大开口笑送残年。——白居易《雪夜小饮赠梦得》

84. The new wind blows away the snow, and Qian soul still loves peach blossom month.

描写雪的英语句子大全 精选36句

1. The snowflakes floated down from the sky, dancing happily.

2. 中军置酒饮归客,胡琴琵琶与羌笛。——岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》

3. 冬天穿棉袄,下雪不摔倒。

4. The dust is not a white one!

5. 路出寒云外,人归暮雪时。

6. Snow girl dances in the air.

7. The heavy snow is fluttering in the air, looking for its place to stay.

8. Snow flakes like goose feathers fall down in a whirl.

9. It's so cold in winter, can we hold it together?

10. 城头月落霜如雪,楼头五更声欲绝。——张耒《示秬秸》

11. Beautiful angel, how are you.

12. The snowflakes look like butterflies dancing in the air.

13. Want to become winter snow, fall on Mr. s shoulder.

14. Snowflake babies are dancing in the air.

15. In the high altitudes snow and ice remain all the year round.

16. The ice turned white and turned to snow quietly. We were immersed in it without any word. From little to big, the snow changed out of my imagination. With the wind blowing heavily, the snow beat on my face, hair and covered all over my body. We couldn't help shaking in the snow. We opened our mouths to taste the icy snow, stood still in the snow, and enjoyed the wonderful scene ourselves.

17. 晚来天欲雪,能饮一杯无?

18. Winter is a gentle girl, who is beautiful from head to foot.

19. Send you a snowflake, ice clean.

20. 凄凄岁暮风,翳翳经日雪。——陶渊明《癸卯岁十二月中作与从弟敬远》

21. The snow is long in the north of the Jiangnan river. Know the cold water.

22. Let the north wind do miss, keep the warmth in the heart.

23. It was too great and too beautiful that I couldn't imagine. How fantastic it was! With the snow dropping on my body, I didn't want to move though it was so cold.

24. 瀚海百重波,阴山千里雪。——李世民《饮马长城窟行》

25. 你顺手挽住火焰,化作漫天大雪。

26. 大雪在风中飘,卷走种种烦忧。

27. 以雪洗身,杂念全无。

28. 雪消门外千山绿,花发江边二月晴。——欧阳修《春日西湖寄谢法曹歌》

29. 散关三尺雪,回梦旧鸳机。——李商隐《悼伤后赴东蜀辟至散关遇雪》

30. 大雪到,雪花飘,幸福飘扬忧伤跑。

31. 雪是晶莹的,照亮你前行的道路。

32. 头上红冠不用裁,满身雪白走将来。——唐寅《画鸡》

33. 梅须逊雪三分白,雪却输梅一段香。

34. The beautiful snow and ice are cool as if they are blowing on our faces.

35. 雪是飘逸的,带走你无奈的痛苦。

36. 有雪的瞬间,纯净非凡。

描写雪的英语句子大全 精选30句

1. If you lived in the north, you might think it was nothing. But the following thing was more unreal. A bird, a beautiful parrot, like an angel, flew from the sky onto Charlie's shoulder and then flew to my shoulder. I didn't know how to expremy feelings, only enjoying it. The parrot didn't seem to leave. How fantastic, I thought.

2. 冬宜密雪,有碎玉声。

3. The Yellow River holds the soil and can be blocked. It is difficult to cut the north wind and rain.

4. 看雪在手中融化,城市变白。

5. The snowflakes rolled down all over the sky like goose feathers.

6. The heavy snow like goose feather danced all over the sky.

7. Snow, like a beautician, makes the earth white.

8. A long snow, half dream drunk the world.

9. 更无花态度,全有雪精神。——辛弃疾《临江仙·探梅》

10. 霭霭夜,皎皎月,你是心中雪。

11. 杨花落满头,也算到白首。

12. 夜深知雪重,时闻折竹声。

13. 地白风色寒,雪花大如手。

14. Since youth can not stay, snow still need to wear autumn pants.

15. 小雪封地,大雪封河。

16. 笙箫吹断水云间,重按霓裳歌遍彻。——李煜《木兰花·晓妆初了明肌雪》

17. The Snow Fairy, dressed in snow-white clothes, quietly fell to the ground.

18. The snow is up to him, and the dust is beyond his words.

19. Can I have a plum blossom? Snow comes to the green feather.

20. Snow is flying in the air like a dancer.

21. 晴天适合相见,雪天适合思念。

22. 下雪了,来我怀里吧。

23. 六出飞花入户时,坐看青竹变琼枝。——高骈《对雪》

24. Snowflakes fall from the air, quietly like catkins, soft like cotton.

25. The following morning, the snow stopped and the clouds scattered.

26. 相携话别郑原上,共道长途怕雪泥。——苏辙《怀渑池寄子瞻兄》

27. Snow is flying in the air like a dancer, hovering and dancing.

28. 飘落的雪,带着思念的伤。

29. Snow scattered unequally over the mountainside.

30. Snowflakes fall gently like feathers.

描写雪的英语句子大全 精选47句

1. 对琼瑶满地,与君酬酢。——辛弃疾《满江红·和范先之雪》

2. 晚来天欲雪,能饮一杯无。

3. 冬天的被窝,是偷耳机的贼。

4. Snowflakes, like dancing white butterflies, fly in the air.

5. 行人与我玩幽境,北风切切吹衣冷。

6. 冰雪林中著此身,不同桃李混芳尘。——王冕《白梅》

7. A snowflake was flying in the sky, and they were looking for their destination.

8. 江上晚来堪画处,钓鱼人一蓑归去。——马致远《寿阳曲·江天暮雪》

9. 惜秦皇汉武,略输文采。——《沁园春·雪》

10. 人固已惧江海竭,天岂不惜河汉干?昆仑之高有积雪,蓬莱之远常遗寒。——王令《暑旱苦热》

11. The thick snow is soft like a carpet.

12. 让我帮你升温,陪你过冬天。

13. Snow, warm the whole winter.

14. Goose like snowflakes floated down from the sky.

15. The white snowflakes dance to the earth in winter.

16. 半盏屠苏犹未举,灯前小草写桃符。——陆游《除夜雪》 (在线造句 )

17. 祝愿你雪洗尽烦恼,幸福乐淘淘。

18. The snow in winter falls on the trees like thousands of pear flowers in full bloom.

19. What are the snow all, and what will the moon meet me.

20. It snowed in winter, and the leaves looked like white clothes.

21. The bear hid in winter, and everything began to hibernate.

22. 玉人浴出新妆洗。——李清照《渔家傲·雪里已知春信至》

23. Snow falls all over us, we will be in white.

24. 穿暖吃饱不怕冻,幸福健康身体好。

25. 雪花飘落,世界都变得柔软了。

26. 城里夕阳城外雪,相将十里异阴晴。

27. Snow is warm, melt my sincere thoughts.

28. Snowflakes, like cotton wool, fluttered down.

29. 向寻常、野桥流水,待招来,不是旧沙鸥。——张炎《八声甘州·记玉关踏雪事清游》

30. Snow flakes like goose feather floated in the sky.

31. When winter comes, flying snow falls down like a butterfly. It's very beautiful!

32. 昔去雪如花,今来花似雪。

33. After a short while, we both felt so cold that we couldn't speak a word. The world seemed very quiet. I suddenly found there was a lot of thin ice dropping from the sky. “Ice!” I shouted to Charlie who soon became excited the same as me. We expected for the snow but nothing happened.

34. Love east mountain after the snow, soft red light in the snow.

35. 有雪的时间,更加浪漫。

36. The wind is a surprise to the bamboo, and the snow is full of snow.

37. 四边伐鼓雪海涌,三军大呼阴山动。——岑参《轮台歌奉送封大夫出师西征》

38. The compacted snow on the pavement turned to ice.

39. The snowflakes fluttered gently and landed on the roof.

40. Snowflake baby floats to the frozen earth mother's arms.

41. Snow is flying in the air like a white butterfly flapping its wings.

42. 雪洗虏尘静,风约楚云留。——张孝祥《水调歌头·和庞佑父》

43. The beautiful snowflakes are a group of little fairies in white gauze.

44. I did believe the snow was not a scene but a great wonder. It brought me much more than it had.

45. 送君九月交河北,雪里题诗泪满衣。——岑参《送崔子还京》

46. It was getting dark, and the snowflakes in the air outside were dancing lightly.

47. Snow is curious about the world and can't wait to jump to the ground.

描写雪的英语句子大全 精选31句

1. Pieces of white snowflakes fell happily from the sky.

2. 一条藤径绿,万点雪峰晴。

3. The snowflakes fall down like beautiful fairies dancing in the snow.

4. Snow flakes came down from the sky in gauze.

5. 溪深难受雪,山冻不流云。

6. 青山原不老,为雪白头。

7. In winter, the sleeping ground is covered with a thick layer of snow.

8. Snowflakes fall from the sky like golden spirits.

9. There is snow days, thinking deeper.

10. 风雪吹满头,也算到白首。

11. Beautiful little snowflakes, like a group of little dancers in white gauze.

12. 孤飞一片雪,百里见秋毫。

13. 雪,至白至简,洁净无暇。

14. 溪深古雪在,石断寒泉流。

15. The wind is cold after the snow in Tianshan Mountains, and it is difficult to blow the flute.

16. 须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。——《沁园春·雪》

17. I would never forget that day.

18. 听雪超尘,问雪落几许。

19. 梅落繁枝千万片,犹自多情,学雪随风转。——冯延巳《鹊踏枝·梅落繁枝千万片》

20. 已讶衾枕冷,复见窗户明。——白居易《夜雪》

21. Snowflakes dance lightly like children.

22. 晴天适合见面,雪天适合想念。

23. 寒更传晓箭,清镜览衰颜。——王维《冬晚对雪忆胡居士家》

24. Snow fell from the sky like petals of pear flowers.

25. Snow is flying in the air and falling gently.

26. I was surprised that the pillow was cold, and I saw the window again.

27. 野云万里无城郭,雨雪纷纷连大漠。——李颀《古从军行》

28. 孤飞一片雪,百里见秋毫。——李白《观放白鹰二首》

29. 起风了,下雪了,你没了。

30. 天仙碧玉琼瑶,点点扬花,片片鹅毛。——薛昂夫《蟾宫曲·雪》

31. The beautiful snowflakes are a group of little fairies wearing white gauze.






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