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经典英语唯美短句子 精选73句

1. 玫瑰花对你情有独钟,这份爱不是说说而已。

2. 成功从不会放弃任何人,只有你放弃成功罢了。

3. 你总说我喜欢游戏,但其实我更喜欢你。

4. Because I really hate being in a safe state. Ordinary and moderate people make me feel terrible, or madmen make me feel rational.因为我真的很讨厌处于安全状态,平凡中庸的人们让我觉得可怕,还是疯子让我觉得我还有理智。——《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

5. 情知海上三年别,不寄云间一纸书。

6. No measure of time with you will be long enough , but let's start with forever . 天长地久有时尽,此爱绵绵无绝期。

7. Lee refuses to hide behind aesthetics. 李则拒绝躲在唯美的笔调后面不去刺痛真正的社会脓包。

8. 你可知这百年爱人只能陪半途。

9. 小生不才,与姑娘萍水相逢,却妄自喜欢姑娘许久。

10. 我承认我很贪心,有酒有肉,还想有你。

11. 愿有岁月可回首,且以情深共白头。

12. 在落叶知秋中,收敛心神适时而生。

13. Obviously the rise is oxygen,but would rather lonely to suffocation. 明明抬头就是氧气,却宁愿孤独到窒息。

14. 有月亮的时候不要惹我,小心我变身。

15. Lost things always come back to us, although sometimes not in the way we want.失去的东西总会回到我们身边,虽然有时并不是以我们希望的方式。——《哈利·波特》

16. 衣,如雪;人,如玉带来无尽的思念。

17. 待人退一步,爱人宽一寸,人生自然活得很快乐。

18. 有所得是低级快乐,有所求是高级快乐。

19. 面朝大海秋风萧瑟,背对青山春花灿烂。

20. 骨可碎,血可流,生生死死不回头!

21. You don't want to die, but you don't know how to take your life. No one wants to dirty their hands.你不想死,可你不知道怎么夺走生命,没人想弄脏自己的手。——《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

22. 和你在一起只是我不想给任何人机会!!

23. Nothing is terrible because there are no prosthetics.什么都没有精神残废可怕,因为没有义肢可装。——《闻香识女人》

24. I am the place where the sunset converges with the eaves, your residual astringent injury.我是夕阳与那屋檐汇聚的地方,你残留的涩伤。——《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

25. 行客无根,憔悴无穷,春风照旧。

26. 敬你一杯酒,从此莫回头,往事归零,爱很随意。

27. He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.

28. She's my sister. She won't hurt me.她是我姐姐,她不会伤害我的。——《冰雪奇缘》

29. 玉楼深锁薄情种,清夜悠悠谁共。

30. They slip out one by one and I were left holding the baby. 她们唯唯一的都跑掉了,剩下我来抱刚出生的孩子。

31. 九州生气恃风雷,万马齐喑究可哀。

32. It took me a lifetime to learn to be careful. Women and children can be careless, but men can't.我花了一辈子就学会了小心,女人和小孩能够粗心大意,但是男人不行。——《教父》

33. 白昼的光,如何能够了解夜晚黑暗的深度呢?

34. 饱读五月诗书,温酒送那佳人。

35. Great people are not born great, but show their greatness in the process of growing up.伟大的人不是生下来就伟大的,而是在成长过程中显示其伟大的。——《教父》

36. The world is still the same, but there are fewer and fewer things worth remembering.世界仍是一样的,只是值得留恋的越来越少了。——《加勒比海盗》

37. 人间值得,未来可期。

38. 愿天上的每一个流星,都为你而闪耀天际。

39. 往后余生,你好好过,我慢慢走。

40. You don't have to worry so much. I won't want you to marry me.你不用这么担心,我不会要你娶我的。——《罗马假日》

41. Love as drinking,if it light will be tasteless,but liquor burning throat. 相爱如饮酒,淡了无味,烈了伤喉。

42. 都不是什么成功人士,就别互相指点人生了。

43. 你没有错,是我飞蛾扑火。

44. 春暖花开香满院,莺歌燕舞乐满庭。

45. 放下执着,带着少许的遗憾过生活。

46. Kellerman responds, “He’s the only one who knows we don’t have the Burrows kid. The only one.” Kellerman回答,“他是唯一知道我们手上没有Burrows孩子的人,唯一的一个。”

47. Telling the truth is always better than lying.说真话永远比说谎要好。——《哈利·波特》

48. At that time, a lot of image, the phrase to describe the aesthetic. 当时用了很多形象的、唯美的词令来形容。

49. I want to stay in that glorious world and never have trouble. I don't look at it with hazy tears, nor pursue it with painful mood, but really be with it and in it.我很想驻留在那个光辉灿烂的世界去,永远没有烦恼,不是以朦胧的泪眼去看它,也不是以痛苦的心情去追求它,而是真正的和它在一起,在它之中。——《呼啸山庄》

50. 所有看起来的幸运,都源自坚持不懈的努力。

51. Expressing our true self is our own choice, which is more important than our ability.表现我们真正的自我,是我们自己的选择,这比我们所具有的能力更重要。——《哈利·波特》

52. 年来多梦少年事,唯梦闲人不梦君。

53. They said to have courage, but I'm trying. I'm waiting for you outside. Let me in. We have only each other.他们说要有勇气,而我在尝试,我在外面等你,让我进来吧,我们只有彼此了。——《冰雪奇缘》

54. I have no strength to leave you.我已经没有力量离开你了。——《暮光之城》

55. Anyway, as long as you are by my side, I don't need heaven.无论怎么样,只要你在身旁,我就不需要天堂。——《暮光之城》

56. 医不自医,人不渡己。

57. 要学会长大,一个人顶过千军万马。

58. 春日野穹,蒹葭青青,蓝天碧野,河水淙淙!

59. 春日清明,岁月静好。

60. I only wish to face the sea, with spring flowers blossoming.

61. 一生辛苦如果是一场空忙,实在是太可惜了。

62. When you're nothing at all,there's no more reason to be afraid.

63. 你是被我安安稳稳爱着的人,可以大胆做任何事。

64. 我若成佛,天下无魔,我若成魔,佛奈我何。

65. In the end, we always do it for ourselves. A gentle and generous person is just a little fairer than an arrogant and overbearing person. When all kinds of situations make both people feel that the interests of one party are not what the other party should care about, happiness is over.到头来,我们总归是为了自己。温和慷慨的人不过比傲慢霸道的人自私的稍微公平一点罢了,等到种种情况使得两个人都感到一方的利益并不是对方思想中要关心的事物的时候,幸福就完结了。——《呼啸山庄》

66. 有时间就去河边走走,万类秋日皆自由。

67. I don't know if you know who you are until you lose who you are.

68. 最糟糕的时候,也请记住,无条件的爱自己。

69. His only clue to his son's last moments came from videotape of a United Airlines plane slamming into the trade center's south tower. 他儿子临终前的唯一线索就是美洲航空公司飞机撞向世贸南楼的录影带。

70. This sport is unique to this list, as it is the only one in which the participants wear skirts, err… I mean kilts. 这项比赛十分独特,也是唯一一项要求参赛者穿着裙子的比赛,厄…我指的是短褶裙。

71. 此生谁料,心在天山,身老沧州。

72. 承载了太多的期许目光,怎敢轻易辜负。

73. 你们夸美女一般都怎么夸的呀?评论教我一下可以吗?

经典英语唯美短句子 精选73句

1. Because talent alone is not enough, it takes a lot of courage to change people's ideas.因为光靠天份是不够的,改变人们的观念需要很大的勇气。——《绿皮书》

2. 愿你此后珍重,山一程,水一程,你且走好。

3. Its not being natural and crudeness widen distance of Tianpiao and beauty. 造作和粗鄙拉远了《天瓢》与唯美的距离。

4. I won't forgive you, but I will help you.我不会原谅你,但我还是会帮助你。——《寻梦环游记》

5. 风急桃花也似愁,点点飞红雨。

6. 一生很短暂,遇见喜欢的人一定要认真喜欢。

7. He's the only one with a beard . 他是唯一留胡子的人。

8. 希望我能把你忘了,就跟你狠心忘了我一样。

9. 我失骄杨君失柳,杨柳轻扬直上重霄九。

10. Listen, it's normal not to forget your first love.听着,忘不了初恋是正常的。——《恋恋笔记本》

11. In hadron levels the hadronic masses can be introduced phenomenologically. 强子层次上强子的质量可以唯象的引入。

12. the sandflass remembers the time we lost 沙漏记得`我们遗忘的时光

13. 我想变成你,见你所见,爱你所爱。

14. In our place, you must keep running to stay where you are.在我们这个地方,你必须不停地奔跑,才能留在原地。——《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

15. 但愿日子清净,抬头遇见的都是柔情。

16. 残星几点雁横塞,长笛一声人倚楼。

17. I stood on the podium to remind myself that we must always look at things differently.我站到讲台上是想提醒我自己,我们必须时刻用不同的眼光来看待事物。——《死亡诗社》

18. 一枕清风明月,半山孤觉烟霞。

19. 别在我的坟前哭,弄脏了我的轮回路。

20. That you pledge your only son… 还有你向你唯的孩子许诺过的。

21. Never hate your enemy, because it will affect your judgment.永远不要恨你的敌人,因为这会影响你的判断力。——《教父》

22. Nothing can stop the burning passion, including death.没有什么东西能阻挡燃烧的激情,包括死亡。——《呼啸山庄》

23. Beauty elim realized she was the only one to save the navy kingdom. 美琳意识到她是唯一拯救海蓝王国的人。

24. 最温柔的月光,也敌不过,你那转瞬的回眸。

25. As long as you have a good story and a good audience, you're not finished.只要你还有一个好故事,以及一个好听众,那么你还没有完。——《海上钢琴师》

26. Is your pale I wait,irony my obsession.

27. 再坚持一下,一切美好正在慢慢奔向你。

28. 洗个热水澡,做个蜂蜜味的美梦。

29. The more you try to forget, the more you remember.不管你做什么,都不要放弃!——《疯狂动物城》

30. 请记得那些对你好的人,因为他本可以不这样。

31. When necessary, please learn to let go.必要的时候,请学会放手。——《冰雪奇缘》

32. 只有经历过的人才会懂得美好是如何而来的。

33. I won't insult your intelligence by explaining it to you.

34. 今岁东风巧剪裁,含情只待使君来。

35. 希望世界安静,带走所有的小情绪。

36. 愿我们有人爱,有事做,有期待!

37. So believe me, if a man treats you like he doesn't care, he really doesn't care about you at all. There are no exceptions.所以相信我,如果一个男人对待你的方式就像他毫不在乎一样,那么他真的是完全不在意你的。没有例外。——《其实他没那么喜欢你》

38. 以我粉身碎骨,佑你一世无伤。

39. 小事不做,难成大事。小气不忍,则坏大事。

40. Don't say impossible, nothing is impossible.不要说不可能,没有什么不可能。——《教父》

41. 吟风于春,薄酒夜夏。

42. 所有夏天的未完成,趁秋天去完成。

43. Dear, it's strange today. Yesterday everything was as usual. I was thinking whether I had changed quietly in the long night.亲爱的,今天真奇怪,昨天一切如常,我在想,漫漫长夜我是否悄然改变。——《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

44. It's useless to indulge in illusory dreams and forget real life. Remember.沉湎于虚幻的梦想,而忘记现实的生活,这是毫无益处的,千万记住。——《哈利·波特》

45. 银河寂静星馥闪,晚风轻吹夜阑珊。

46. 深入骨髓的爱,怎么舍得只止于此?

47. 平凡简单,安于平凡,真不简单。

48. The organ pealed forth solemnly, and the sweet children's voices mingled with that of their old leader; but Karen thought only of her red shoes. 手风琴奏出庄严的曲调,孩子们甜美的声音与他们年长的指挥的声音混合在一起,但是凯伦想到的唯有她的红鞋子。

49. 余生,等一场相知,念一人安暖。

50. It’s better to look at the sky than live there.

51. 没心没肺,快乐加倍,可可爱爱,值得期待。

52. 好美的星空,美得让人颤抖,很放松压抑的心情!

53. You have an artistic bend in your work or leisure activities. 在你的工作和余暇中充满了浪漫唯美的曲折。

54. 大理的老乡们,大家好,大理是个好地方。

55. 你惊叹这世界的深邃,所以不是对谁都无谓。

56. 十七岁全力以赴,十八岁好好庆祝。

57. There is no wrong step in tango, not like life. It's simple, so it's great. If you step wrong or trip, keep jumping.探戈里无所谓错步的,不像人生。它简单,所以才棒,要是踏错步或绊倒了继续跳。——《闻香识女人》

58. 常常责备自己的人,往往能得到他人的谅解。

59. The atom have a nucleus at its core. 在原子的中心有唯一原于核。

60. 三千弱水,一笑皆空。

61. 最害怕雨越等越大,喜欢的人越走越远。

62. In fact, like me, you are a monster in people's eyes, but people need you more now.其实你和我一样,都是人们眼中的怪物,只不过人们现在更需要你罢了。——《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

63. 走自己的路,去看自己的人生风景。

64. 将来有一天,月亮应该会这么想吧,你才是月亮。

65. I want to do what I like all day. I want to sit in a roadside cafe and look at things in the shop window. Walk in the rain and do something fun or even exciting.我想一整天都做自己喜欢的事情,我想坐在路边咖啡馆,看商店橱窗里的东西。在雨中漫步,做一些好玩甚至有些刺激的事。——《罗马假日》

66. ” It only needs early cultivation to become a power. 只需及早培养,记忆自会成为一种才能

67. But to save the frozen heart, we can only rely on an action from true love.但解救冰封的心,只能靠一个发自真爱的行动。——《冰雪奇缘》

68. 对自己好点,能怪别人的时候就不要怪自己。

69. 努力的话,什么好运都会奔向你。

70. 做一个洁净的女子,心似莲花开。

71. 因为看轻,所以快乐;因为看淡,所以幸福。

72. Changing the formation of the image or the aesthetic of the beautiful patterns, gives a profound visual experience and philosophical insights. 形成不断变化的美轮美奂的形象或者唯美的花纹,给人以深刻的视觉体验和哲学感悟。

73. 香非在蕊,香非在萼,骨中香彻。

经典英语唯美短句子 精选120句

1. The only machinery apparent was an air conditioner and a very good table saw with a fine slitting blade mounted on it. 唯一很明显被看到的机器是一台空调和一张很棒的桌子,上面放着一把不错的美工刀。

2. 前路浩浩荡荡,万事尽可期待。

3. 最是江南好,情深几许何人了?

4. There is no wrong step in tango, not like life. He is simple, so charming.探戈里无所谓错步的,不像人生。他简单,所以迷人。——《闻香识女人》

5. 你是月亮,我就是你身边那颗最亮的星。

6. 不求与君同相守,只愿伴君天涯路。

7. The princess is waiting for the prince to save, and the queen is saving herself.等待王子拯救的是公主,自己拯救自己的是女王。——《冰雪奇缘》

8. Never trust anything that can think independently unless you see where it hides your mind.永远不要相信任何能够独立思考的东西,除非你看清了它把头脑藏在什么地方。——《哈利·波特》

9. If someone is decreed by fate to be great, the child, you are the man.

10. 看那天地日月,恒静无言;青山长河,世代连绵。

11. The sandflass remembers the time we lost 沙漏记得`我们遗忘的时光

12. Therefore, its local anesthetic action is similar to that produced by 1 % procaine hydrochloride, but it produces a more weaker and shorter lasting anesthesia than procaine. 蛇床子提取液的局麻作用相似于1%盐酸普鲁卡因,唯作用强度较弱、持续时间较短。

13. 愿我风雨里像个大人,愿一直被宠的像个孩子。

14. 野火在远方,远方在你琥珀色的眼睛里。

15. This thesis aims to prove that Hardy is a misunderstood aesthete. 本文旨在证明哈代是一个被误解的唯美主义者。

16. 留连光景惜朱颜,黄昏独倚阑。

17. No matter what you do, don't give up.不管你做什么,都不要放弃!——《疯狂动物城》

18. 生命的成长,需要吃饭,还需要吃苦,吃亏。

19. The only issue that remains concerns timing — who does what. Within a week or two it should get the go-ahead. 唯一需要考虑仍然是时间—短短一两周之内,谁能为它一路开绿灯呢?

20. 我爱大风和烈酒,也爱孤独和自由。

21. The world is cruel, and the only moral criterion in this cruel world is luck.这个世界很残酷,而这残酷的世界唯一的道德准则,是运气。——《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

22. 梦里出现的人,醒来时就该去见他。

23. Let friends underestimate your strengths and enemies overestimate your weaknesses.让朋友低估你的优点,让敌人高估你的缺点。——《教父》

24. Now, I have to leave. I walked to the corner and turned. Promise me, don't look at me, drive away and leave me like I left you.现在,我必须离开了。我走到街角,然后转弯。答应我,别看着我,把车开走,离开我,就像我离开你。——《罗马假日》

25. Now we are being followed by a group of stones, which is unheard of.现在我们正被一群石头跟着,真是闻所未闻。——《加勒比海盗》

26. Death is not terrible. Forgetting is the final farewell. Please remember the people you love and loved.死亡并不可怕,遗忘才是最终的告别,请记住你爱着和爱过的人。——《寻梦环游记》

27. 十里寒塘路,烟花一半醒。晨钟催落月,宿火乱稀星。

28. People without action, even if they have millions of lottery tickets, are cowardly and dare not cash them.没有行动力的人,即使拥有百万奖券,也窝囊的不敢兑现。——《心灵捕手》

29. Wilde is the aestheticism faithfully supports the wholesale and the practice. 王尔德是唯美主义的忠实拥趸和实践者。

30. 抬头,仰望着绚丽的银河我的思念,我的苦闷。

31. The gray building of two storeys is the single house. 两层的灰楼是唯一的房子。

32. 太喜欢吃榴莲馅的汤圆,感觉比黑芝麻的还好吃。

33. The best love can awaken our souls, inspire us to pursue our ideals, ignite the fire of passion in our hearts, and bring peace to our hearts.最好的爱能唤醒我们的灵魂,激励我们追求理想,点燃我们心中的激情之火,也能给我们的内心带来安宁。——《恋恋笔记本》

34. Did you see the way he had Princess all wrapped around Mm? 你有看到他让「明妃」唯唯是诺的样子吗?。

35. My greatest purpose in life is him. Even if everything else dies, as long as he stays, I can continue to live. And if everything else stays and only he is destroyed, I don't want the world.我活着的最大目的,就是他。即使别的一切都全都消亡了只要他留下来,我就能继续活下去。而要是别的一切都留下来,只有他给毁灭了,那我也不要这个世界了。——《呼啸山庄》

36. The two men who got a $26k bill trying to set a text messaging record 想用拿到一张26 000美金账单打破短信发送记录的两名男子

37. It makes no sense to go back to yesterday, because I was different from now回到昨天没有任何意义,因为那时的我跟现在不同。——《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

38. A mother describes her child's hastily made table as "Perfect"! even thought it wobbles on uneven legs. 一位母亲用“完美无缺”来形容她孩子匆忙做成的桌子,尽管桌子的腿长短不一,摇摇晃晃。

39. I enjoy myself on the limited piano. I'm used to living like that.在有限的钢琴上,我自得其乐,我过惯那样的日子。——《海上钢琴师》

40. 有些人注定是等待别人的,有些人是注定被人等的。

41. She is my sister. She will never hurt me.她是我姐姐,她永远也不会伤害我。——《冰雪奇缘》

42. 时光,老了容颜,瘦了思念,葬了爱情。

43. May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.

44. For the first time in my life, I'm getting what I dream of.有生以来的第一次,我正在得到我所梦想的东西。——《冰雪奇缘》

45. 我可以把所有的爱都给你,因为你就是我此生最爱。

46. Anyone can accomplish anything.任何人都可以成就任何事。——《疯狂动物城》

47. 季花开,陌上香,季悲怨,枕上伤。

48. 春暖花开香满院,天寒地冻雪飞花。

49. 当你凯旋归来,我们并肩看天地浩大。

50. 江南秋色垂垂暮,算幽事,浑无数。

51. 这个城市风很大,吹散了很多没有来得及说的话。

52. 操千曲尔后晓声,观千剑尔后识器。

53. 思念的海,总是在夜里涨潮。

54. 时间顺流而下,生活逆流而上。

55. 当女人面朝大海的时候,就是最美的风景。

56. We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.

57. Love is a carefully designed lie. 承诺常常很像蝴蝶e69da5e6ba903231313335323631343130323136353331333330343939,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见

58. 名播兰簪妃后里,晕生莲脸君王侧。

59. 不写红尘纷扰,不叹世道苍凉,不粘半点星火。

60. Tong Nian is its soly legal heir. 童年是这所房子的唯一继承人。

61. So! Well! . I just believe in one. The one is stefanie! Because she is so perfect . So perfect! 所以,好吧,我唯一相信的,那便是燕姿,她是如此完美,如此完美!

62. 因为有你,我每天都能过情人节。

63. 入骨执念知不知?枯骨红颜浮生尽。

64. 才相知,已相爱,初见就是重逢,青丝直到白发。

65. 壮年听雨客舟中,江阔云低,断雁叫西风。

66. The whole world has become an amazing collection of souvenirs, reminding me everywhere that she existed, and I have lost her.整个世界成了一个惊人的纪念品汇集,处处提醒着我她是存在过的,而我已失去了她!——《呼啸山庄》

67. 没有无缘无故的爱恨,但有无缘无故的自拍。

68. 谁分含啼掩秋扇,空悬明月待君王。

69. 我这一生,只为吻你。

70. I used to be as fragile and sensitive as you.我曾经和你一样,脆弱而敏感。——《疯狂动物城》

71. I don't know how to say goodbye. I don't know what to say.我不知道该如何道别,我不知道该说什么。——《罗马假日》

72. 霜重叶又黄,疾风吹草荒。蝉鸣声哽咽,雁阵南成行。

73. Let life be beautiful like summer fiowers and death like autumn leaves. 生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。

74. 一生温暖纯良,不舍爱与自由。

75. I have resisted anyone and everything in my life. Only in this way can I feel important, but you resisted for your principles.我这一生反抗任何人所有事,只有这样我才觉得自己重要,但你却是为了你的原则而反抗。——《闻香识女人》

76. It's called the art of talking, baby.这叫说话的艺术,宝贝。——《疯狂动物城》

77. He released all the charm of those eyes on me, as if trying to tell me something important.他把那双眼睛的全部魅力都释放在我身上了,好像试图跟我说某件至关重要的事情似的。——《暮光之城》

78. 小女子不才,未得公子青睐,扰公子良久,公子莫怪。

79. 若有诗书藏在心,撷来芳华成至真。

80. A soft heart without borders will only make the other party gain an inch; Unprincipled kindness will only let the other party do whatever he wants.没有边界的心软,只会让对方得寸进尺;毫无原则的仁慈,只会让对方为所欲为。——《教父》

81. 学习时的痛苦是暂时的,未学到的痛苦是终身的。

82. 余生,不争不抢,做一个安静从容的女人。

83. 心存善意,定能途遇天使。

84. Look at your heart and start by changing yourself.审视自己的内心,从改变自己开始。——《疯狂动物城》

85. The world may be full of cheating, however we never lack friends with a warm heart.

86. Trop souvent, l'illusion de confondre nos yeux 往往太多的假象 、迷惑了我们的双眼 唯美个性签名

87. 温文尔雅不是俄的作风,而这点迩不需体会。

88. The proper name for this group may be beauty-oriented sports participants. 这类学生可以叫做唯美运动参加者。

89. 你是我明目张胆的偏爱,众所周知的私心。

90. 减肥那么痛苦,找我,就很甜呀,蛋糕上线啦。

91. 时光深处,轻握一份懂得;生命路口,静赏花开花落。

92. 拉黑删除是小孩子才做的事情,成年人只是不再讲话。

93. 每天醒来,阳光和你都在,就是我最想要的未来。

94. It is a mystical estate , an apostolic succession , from only begetter to only begotten. 那是从唯一的父到唯一的子之间的神秘等级,是使徒所继承下来的。

95. 我愿先颠沛流离,晚点儿遇到温暖的你。

96. The Wuhan AESTHETIC Cosmetology office, is the group the first chain-like organization which sets up in Wuhan. 武汉唯美度美容会所,是集团在武汉设立的第一家连锁机构。

97. 候门一入深似海,从此萧郎是路人。

98. 余生的岁月里,别辜负转瞬即逝的青春。

99. 愿有人看透你的逞强,给你一个温暖的拥抱。

100. You have too many principles and think they can save you.你的原则也太多了,还觉得它们能救你。——《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

101. 一生一世一双人,半醒半醉半浮生。

102. From the hand woven Moroccan Kilim fabric to the Good Year Welt sole, these qualities make for a beautiful, custom fitting boot. 从手工编织摩洛哥Kilim织物良好的年,这些特性使全世界唯一一个美丽的,定制配件靴子。

103. 和朋友一起去海边,听听大自然的海浪声。

104. It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple.

105. 我有所念人,隔在远远乡。我有所感事,结在深深肠。

106. 蓝天白云,晴空万里,随心随意。

107. It doesn't matter what your nature is. What matters is that you start to change.天性如何并不重要,重要的是你开始改变。——《疯狂动物城》

108. Although I said I wanted you to stay one more day, my urine can't wait that long.虽然我说要你多留一天,我的尿可等不了那么久。——《闻香识女人》

109. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.

110. It takes great courage to resist your enemies, but it takes more courage to stand up to your friends.反抗你的敌人需要过人的勇气,而在朋友面前坚持自己的立场需要更大的勇气。——《哈利·波特》

111. 花开,似血的梦幻,复开始不可企及的缠绵。

112. 人间正道,一声嗷啸。一腔热血男儿自强任逍遥。

113. Besides, we should not ingnore his aesthetism, either. 本文旨在证明哈代是一个被误解的唯美主义者。

114. Life suddenly calm many, time gradually reinstate the dull, gratifying that after the short busy can smoke a few cigarettes, which became the only fun. 生活一下子平静许多,时间逐渐恢复以往乏味。欣慰的是在短暂忙碌之后能抽上几根烟,这倒成了唯一的乐趣。

115. 一切目标都是黑暗的,只有行动与光明相伴。

116. I want to be the master of life, not a slave.人并非生来就伟大,而是越活越伟大。——《教父》

117. The length of the straight crotch deep exerts a direct impact on the beauty and comfort of wearing. 直裆深的长短直接影响裤子的穿着美观与舒适度。

118. 时间过了,爱情淡了,相爱的人也就散了。

119. Look from visual effect, the mirror on gules lavabo and wall, form contrast all round palely , colorific is tie-in, only beautiful and perceptual. 从视觉效果看,红色的洗手盆与墙上的镜子,四周的淡色形成对比,色彩的搭配,唯美而感性。

120. 令你忍受痛苦的事情,可能令你有甜蜜的回忆!

经典英语唯美短句子 精选77句

1. let life be beautiful like summer fiowers and death like autumn leaves. 生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。

2. That was my only child. 她是我唯一的孩子。

3. No matter what others say, words and ideas can really change the world.不管别人怎么说,文字和思想的确能改变世界。——《死亡诗社》

4. 感荷高情,非只语片言所能鸣谢。

5. 人间不值得,但你值得。

6. This is Batman. He can be excluded or make the right choice that no one else can make.这就是蝙蝠侠,他可以被排斥,也可以做出其他人都无法做出的正确选择。——《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

7. The Hermit was looking out of the only window, which faced north. 隐士从那唯一的窗子——朝北的窗子——望出去。

8. 夜莺再黑暗中哭泣,幽怨哀伤赐予灵感。

9. Oscar Wilde and influence and reception of his aestheticism in china. 王尔德及其唯美主义在中国的影响与接受。

10. 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。

11. You don't know the real loss. You can only realize it by loving others better than yourself.你不了解真正的失去,唯有爱别人胜于自己才能体会。——《心灵捕手》

12. 此后岁月,再多风景,少了你,不过尔尔。

13. Tang has also written short novels and stage dramas, and directed theater productions. 汤唯也写过短片小说和舞台戏,导演戏剧作品。

14. They don't have a choice, but you do.他们没有选择的机会,但你有。——《绿皮书》

15. 若能避开猛烈的狂喜,自然就不会有悲痛的来袭。

16. Be a sailor of the world and travel all over the ports.做一个世界的水手,游遍所有的港口。——《死亡诗社》

17. With love to protect the child's only childhood 用爱守护孩子唯一的童年

18. It's useless to indulge in illusory dreams and forget real life. Remember.沉湎于虚幻的梦想而忘记现实的生活,这是毫无益处的,千万记住。——《哈利·波特》

19. Don't think I'm unhappy. I won't do that again.别以为我不幸福,我不会再那样了。——《海上钢琴师》

20. if you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining stars 如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了

21. 悔教夫婿觅封侯,我已心猿意马。

22. 自从你走了,总有人问我为什么发呆。

23. Thank God, because if I were not crazy, I might never let you experience the fear of being bombarded.感谢老天爷,因为如果我没有疯,可能永远都不会让你体验到被炮轰的恐惧。——《加勒比海盗》

24. Pure color from shellfish give it graceful feeling. Unicom shape colored red or white wanders in noble pure. 纯洁的贝色给予唯美与婉约感,红与白的麟状游刃于高贵纯美。

25. 把眼闭上,把梦打开,雨落下,又是一夜春语。

26. Don't rely on dreams and forget life.不要依赖梦想而忘记生活。——《哈利·波特》

27. Only way out for them is to seize opportunities and develop with local features. 只有抓住机遇,扬长避短,办出特色才是师专唯一的出路。

28. 雁字回首早过忘川,抚琴之人泪满衫。

29. 大海深出有一家蓝色的便利店,贩卖蓝色的孤独。

30. 凡有盛必有衰,不可不预为之计。

31. People on land like to find out and waste a lot of time.陆上的人喜欢寻根问底,虚度了很多光阴。——《海上钢琴师》

32. 一笑倾尽众生缘,徒惹几番思念。

33. I don't want to just wait, because the world is full of lonely people who are afraid to take the first step.我不愿意只是等待,因为这世上到处都是,害怕迈出第一步的孤独之人。——《绿皮书》

34. I never thought about how I would die, but it seems good to die for the people I love most.我从来都没想过我会怎么死,但为了我最爱的人死去,似乎也不错。——《暮光之城》

35. The source of his friends Blog friends :sky snow in this collection of aestheticism, heartfelt thanks for his support! 文中的美图来源于博友漫天雪唯美的收藏,在此衷心感谢他的支持!

36. 太爱了,所以我没有哭没有说。

37. 若故人不再重逢,那么一切平安顺利也算最好的答复。

38. It took me a lifetime to learn to be careful. Women and children can be careless, but men can't.我花了一辈子 ,就学会了小心 ,女人和小孩能够粗心大意 ,但男人不行。——《教父》

39. The only problem is you can't eat trees! 唯一的问题是,你不能吃树子。

40. A man likes a woman. He will chase her anyway.男人喜欢一个女人,不管怎样,他都会把她追到手。——《其实他没那么喜欢你》

41. 世人可爱,世事可戏。

42. When it steamed away on the stove it emitted wafts of promise with its wonderful nutty aroma. 短粒糙米在炉子上蒸的时候会飘散出一种美味坚果的芳香气味。

43. When I look at you, what I see is not a witty man, a confident man, but a annoying hairy child, an unreasonable hairy child, a useless man.当我看着你的时候,我看到的并不是一个机智的男人,自信的男人,而是一个讨厌的毛孩子,不懂事理的毛孩子,一个没用的男人。——《心灵捕手》

44. 我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸。残阳退没。

45. 天下英雄,使君与操,余子谁堪共酒杯。

46. 少发脾气,按时睡觉,不要乱想,还要多笑。

47. 风景再美,若没人一起欣赏,也会有种莫名的忧伤。

48. 落俗在所难免,浪漫至死不渝。

49. 如果你认识从前的我,那么你就会原谅现在的我。

50. 虽知世事半枯荣,此心犹待离人归。

51. Chela, a 3-year-old German Shorthaired Pointer, is the only dog in Peru who knows how to box. xx岁的德国短毛犬“切拉”是秘鲁唯一一只会拳击的狗。

52. 春暖花开香满院,岸柳赏荷绽夏浓。

53. 西园何限相思树,辛苦梅花候海棠。

54. 风尘仆仆终有归途,从此余生不被辜负。

55. It was lunchtime and the only officer on duty was a fortyish black man with short, pressed hair, a pencil mustache, and a neatly pressed brown suit. 当时是午饭时间,唯一值班的职员是个四十来岁的黑人男子,头发又短又平,上唇的胡子像铅笔一样直,一身棕色套装熨得笔挺。

56. Sometimes it is not the person you miss,but the time,the memory you stay with him. 所思非故人,皆因往事入情深。

57. I always like walking in the rain, so no one can see me crying.

58. Wuthering Heights is the only novel that Emily Bront? wrote throughouther short life. 《呼啸山庄》是艾米莉。勃郎特在其短暂一生中写的唯一一部小说。

59. 秋已至,落叶归根,一片秋景悄然来临。

60. 努力是不会背叛自己的,虽然梦想会背叛。

61. We never really grow up.We only learn how to act in public.

62. I wanna be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye. 我要成为你最心动的相遇和最不舍的离别。

63. 雨会停,天会晴,没有什么会一直糟糕透顶。

64. Some people don't think of logical things like money. They can't be bought, intimidated, reasoned or negotiated. Some people just want to see the world burn.有些人想的并不是像钱那样符合逻辑的东西,他们不能被收买、恐吓、讲道理或者谈判,有些人只想看到这个世界燃烧。——《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》

65. Don't say your ideal easily and don't give others the chance to laugh at you.不要轻易说出你的理想,不给别人嘲笑你的机会。——《教父》

66. 早,你要做个可爱的姑娘,不烦世事,满心欢喜。

67. To express our true self is our own choice, which is more important than our ability.表现真正的自我,是我们自己的选择,这比我们的能力更重要。——《哈利·波特》

68. 今朝有酒今朝醉,一路坎坷不后退。

69. 微笑向暖,安之若素,继续现在的现在。

70. Together is always short, respectively is long, may our hearts be closely, never separated. 相聚总是短暂,分别却是久长,唯愿彼此的心儿能紧紧相随,永 不分离。

71. Nothin' but a miserable little $500 equity in a life insurance policy. 唯有一份不幸的500美元的人寿保险。

72. when love is not madness, it is not love. 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

73. 夏日的蝉鸣清脆而悠扬,仿佛音乐大师在演奏一般。

74. The only sure way to prevent that outcome is to phase out Fannie and Freddie. 要想阻止那个结局,唯一的必经之路则是逐步撤销房利美和房地美。

75. 因为爱上你,其他一切都是过眼云烟。

76. MR: Uveal melanomas are unique among the malignant tumors in that both T1 and T2 are shortened secondary to the paramagnetic properties of melanin. 在恶性肿瘤中葡萄膜黑色素瘤是唯一表现为短T1短T2,这主要是由于黑色素的顺磁性。

77. 旅行不是在意沿途的风景,而是和你欣赏风景的时间。






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