
山崖发表网范文2022-08-29 12:34:59231


Today more and more people want to apply for studying abroad as economy develops people think they can accept better education.

However,there are still many controversies about the people agree with the idea,because there is no doubt that you can go through more different things and know more different is also a good chance for them to learn foriegn language because they can have more time to communicate with foriegn others think studying abroad will cost a lot unnecessarily and finally effect is also is more important for sudents to have a good attitude of studying but place.

As is saying goes:" Every coin has two sides."Whether to choose to study abroad depends on your own situation.


Dear _,

“Life is Like a Box of Chocolates. You Never Know What You are Going to Get”. Such words come from a famous movie “Forrest Gump”. I don’t know what kind of chocolate life will give me, but I believe I can achieve my target if I work hard with my unwavering belief and persevering efforts like Forrest Gump. As a student of Mechanical Engineering, I have just finished my undergraduate study since July. Next what I have to face is to choose the new chocolate which I have yearned for all long. With four-year study of . in China, I would like to scale higher intellectual heights by undertaking advanced studies in __ University, as I believe its rich learning environment and free academic atmosphere will open my eyes to new realities and influence me to confront the situation back home.

My strong interest in research was born during the undergraduate years at _University. Upon entering the university in 2000, I began to embark on my journey of industrious study in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. My exceptionally solid foundation in mathematics and physics provided me with a stepping stone with which I proceeded onto the exploration of other sophisticated and erudite subjects. My performance in all the specialty-related coursework not only enabled me to secure good GPA ranking me about top 17 in my grade among 169 students but also furnished me with a powerful instrument whereby to materialize my dreams in the research. I constantly congratulated my luck to obtain a lot of scholarships and awards, due to my academic achievement, from the university, especially the scholarship of “_University – American United Technological Corporation”, awarded only for the best students who are both good at academic and social capacity. Not contented with doing a good job in mere coursework, I endeavored to keep abreast with the latest theories and technologies by reading extensively technical literature in recent journals and attending the lecture some famous professors made. During my undergraduate career, I have grasped every chance to do some researching work. I used to participate in at least six projects including the intern work in the factory, mechanical designs and graduate design.

Especially during the period from September to November of 2003, I read many books and journals in the field of mechanical engineering such as “Handbook of Practical Gear Design” (Written by __). In these books, I did intensive reading on the theory of the speed reducer. I investigated and discussed with my teacher on how to apply the theory into the practice. Then according to my teacher’s advice, I tried to organize a team consisting of five members to make a harmonic gear reducer. As a team leader, I should not only take charge of the whole arrangement of project but also make every member of the team cooperate with each other harmoniously. Before starting the program, I, together with my team, made a detailed plan covering the schedule, materials, and equipment. The first step of our work is the design of the reducer. The design plan is as follows: (1) Set down the blue print. (2) Complete 3-D solid model with Pro/E software. (3) Finite-element analysis with ANSYS software. (4) Assembling simulation by using Pro/E. (5) Complete the 2-D draft of part and assembly. After two-week design work, we stepped to the next work, manufacture of the product. With the aid of the technique of computer, we plan the manufacturing process of every part. And then, all parts were made with various machine tools such as CNC lathe, wire electrical discharge machine, vertical machining center, and so on. Finally, we had toassembly all parts to the harmonic gear reducer, and test-drove it for many times. With five-week unremitting efforts, we succeeded in the project of harmonic gear reducer and obtained the highest praise. This special experience makes it very helpful for my further study. Firstly, I find the connection between theory and practice. Textbooks could hardly cover everything, therefore, if we want to learn more, we should pursue every opportunity to have practices. Meanwhile, I experienced the importance and mightiness of cooperation. In the project, we divided ourselves into several parts, not only doing one’s own work well, but also cooperating with each other harmoniously.

Another case worthy mentioning is my design project for graduation, “Manufacturing and Performance of Electroplated CBN Tools”. The main objective of this project is the manufacturing of the electroplated CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride) wheels and the research of its performance when grinding the heat-resisted steel. I had completed three steps of task. Firstly, I took charge of the manufacturing of electroplated CBN wheels, covering the following work: selecting electroplating solution, computing various electroplating parameters such as electrical current and temperature, adhering CBN to the tool base by electroplating a nickel layer. After these basic preparations, I had to do the second part of the research work to compare grinding abilities of electroplated CBN wheels with those of other wheels such as SiC wheels, Al2O3 wheels etc. This part of the work needs the researcher’s highly particularity and staidness. I did the detailed work as follows: (1) Grind heat-resisted steel with various wheels in the same grinding conditions. (2) Record data and compute the grinding ratio of various wheels. (3) Measure the surface roughness of the heat-resisted steel ground by various wheels. (4) Observe dulling and pullout of abrasive grains of various wheels by using optical microscope. In this part, we can conclude that electroplated wheels have far better grinding abilities than other wheels, by comparing parameters, such as grinding ratio, surface roughness etc. The final assignment of the project is to find out the most suitable parameters of grinding heat-resisted steel with electroplated CBN wheels, through comparing the grinding ratio and surface roughness of heat-resisted steel ground in different grinding parameters. By investigating the attributes of electroplated CBN wheels and concluding their practical grinding parameters, this project is very important in promoting the application of them.

China’s unique advantage of labor force predicts the resplendent future of its Mechanical Engineering, especially the manufacture, and it is our belief that this day will come soon. On the other hand, there are so many experienced technicians in China, however, with the absence of advanced experts many advanced producing method cannot be used in practical yield. When I worked as intern in some factories, I found that most of them were still using facilities which were used in America about thirty years ago. Therefore I want to use the advanced knowledge earned in United States, combined with my acquaintance with China, to improve the present situation and apply best the advanced scientific technology to practical social wealth as soon as possible. I hope to become a successful researcher in Mechanical Engineering, the arduous but exhilarative field. The significant progress achieved in , with the extraordinary cultural and intellectual sources in your university, has attracted me greatly. Based on the study and the research experience in _ University, I am sure that I am qualified and would be an outstanding . student. With the advanced courses, balanced program and distinguished faculty of your department, I would get a solid background for my future academic career.

Yours sincerely,



7/ - 11/ summer team: expand job channels for students

got in touch with 10 companies, visited 4 companies and found their talent demands

made agreements with 4 companies that they would recruit graduates in lanzhou university

10/ – 1/ volunteer teacher for the hongshan school in lanzhou

taught the course of english for the rural workers ’ children in the school


nowadays,with the development of science and technology,moreandmorepeople want to study are students from colleges and universities,from the middle schools,from the primary schools,and people from all walks of difference does it makebetween studying abroad and studying home?

though many students are crazy about going abroad to pursue their higher education,i think studying home is one thing,you don’t have to take foreign language tests such as toefl and gre .this can save you a tremendous amount of time,money and effort,allowing much of your energy to be devoted to your academic addition,if you study home ,you can stay with your family and old ,while studying home ,you can enjoy the kind of intimate friendship and comfortable family atmosphere which you can only dream of in a foreign university ,where you will be accompanied by your own shadow most of the these reasons,pursuing one’s higher education at home is a more realistic and sensible choice.

in a word,i prefer to study home.


Dear Admission Office:

I am writing to strongly recommend Miss/Mr。 XXXX for admission into the famous University of Waterloo。

Through teaching and informal consultation, I had chances to get to know her/him academic potentials and her/him ideals before she/he left for Canada。 In my opinion she/he can be reliably graded as one of the best undergraduates here in 20xx grade students with majors in our department。 Miss/Mr。 is apparently a very bright student, with special interests and enjoyment in mathematics especially in passionate and innovative ways of tackling and solving various problems in mathematics。 Perhaps her/his present mathematics scores in Canada could support my view。 She/he has very good observatory skills in experiments and can easily glean essence from complicated concepts, phenomena or conditions。 Enthusiastic for novelty and creative thinkings and as evidence for leadership potentials, she can easily influence her/his classmates in both curricular and extracurricular activities, though only within not a long period before her/his transfer from this institution to another school in Canada, a brave move toward next stage of personal challenge and fulfilment。 I was particularly impressed by Miss/Mr。 XXX career goal of aiming for excellence in academic education and achievements in her/his chosen field。

Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance。


In capacity as Professor of Mathematics at Fudan University?I'm writing to recommend Mr. Wang?Gesintosyour PhD program in Computer Science. I have known Mr. Wang since his sophomore year of college?and have acted as his thesis advisormentor. In my experience?he is a gifteddiligent student?and an admirably hard worker.

Wang is an impressive student because he has been forced to overcome the significant challenge of a serious illness during his freshman year. When I first met Wang in my Discrete Math class?he did not appear to be anything special to me. While his exam scores were good?they were not as high as I would now expect of him.

What I didn't know then was that due to his illness?Wang was attempting to take all of the difficult early mathematics courses at one time?including Discrete Mathematics?Advanced Mathematics?Linear Algebra?and Possibilities. While most students found preparing for just one set of these exams difficult?Wang was overwhelmed by four of them. But in the end?he achieved an impressive score on the final exam?which made me conscious of his unusual determination he demonstrates when confronting difficult challenges.

Mr. WangI have often talked about a variety of mathematicscomputer science conceptsproblems. During these discussions?I always found him to be delightfully intelligent. Not only does he quickly understand the conceptsproblems presented to him?he is able to analyze these problemspresent solutions. But perhaps most important is that Wang's thinking is intensely rigorous. When looking at any question?he carefully scrutinizes itif he finds any uncertain issue

he clears them up immediately. I believe this kind of thought is essential to become an excellent computer programmer.

Serving as his thesis advisor?I had a first-hand opportunity to observe the way in which Wang's mind works. In his senor thesis?Mr. Wang mainly discussed two challenging questions in regards to″ANN″。 In our books in China?knowledge of ANNits uses are very rare. Few people in China have studied this topicconsequently?the materials that are available on ANN are limited. Working on this difficult project?not only did Mr. Wang rise to the challenge?but he went abovebeyond the call of duty to analyze his secondary sourcestest them for accuracy in practice. In this way?he found mistakes in the book that we use. His diligencehard work made me extremely proud of him.



わたしはゲン シンと申します。×××大学アニメーションデザイン学科四年生です。予定は今年 六月に大学を卒业します。趣味は絵を描くと旅行などが好きです。性格は明るいですから、 どんなことがあっても、まけずに前へ进んでいこうだと思います。日本语はちょうど一ヶ月学びました、また上手に话せるができませんですが、申し訳ございません。小さい顷からずっと日本のアニメが好きですから、日本への留学がとても楽しみにしています。

今年 22歳、安徽省×××市出身,是×××大学动画设计专业的四年级学生,预定今年6月大学毕业,兴趣是喜欢绘画和旅游等,性格开朗,不管遇到什么事,我想我会勇敢不认输的向前进。学习日语刚好学习了一个月,还不能说的很流利,所以非常抱歉,从小时候开始,一直很喜欢日本动漫的关系,因此非常期待去日本留学。


Overseas studying

In recent year,overseas studying is very popular. More and more people go abroad in order to studying.

Different people have different idears on this people think that it is no neccersary,beacause they think that the knowledge in motherland is people approve of overseas think it is helpful to improve themselves in learning and working.

In my opinion,it is provides many chances for people who want to make progress;second,it is a mind-exparding experience,people who went abroad can obtain the culture,customs and so on;third,facing with the vocational pressure is very important chances to overseas studying .

So ,I think overseas studying is very important to everyone.


Studying Abroad: Hardships and Rewards. You should write at least 150 words:

1. 出国留学有很多好处

2. 出国留学也会遇到很多难题

3. 你的选择

7. Studying Abroad: Hardships and Rewards

There is no denying the fact that studying abroad is a hotly debated topic today. Obviously, studying abroad has a number of rewards/advantages. In the first place, a student can have access to advanced science and technology as well as desirable working conditions which might not be available at home. In the second place, he can be exposed to entirely new ideas and trends. Last but not least, by living and studying in a foreign country, one can improve his foreign language much faster than at home.

Nevertheless, as every coin has two sides, studying abroad also confronts one with a series of hardships. For one thing, learning a foreign language is far from an easy thing at the beginning for most people. For another, a completely new environment with different customs and habits may also be a barrier to overseas students, especially to the young. An added difficulty lies with finance: it can cost a lot to study abroad.

From my point of view, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh its disadvantages. But it is a big decision to go abroad to study and one should take into consideration his financial conditions and his ability to adapt to new surrounding. Personally, I choose to go abroad and study if I find it necessary.


dear sir / madam:

in the capacity of ×× of class ×, no. × middle school of ××, p. r china, i am writing with pleasure to recommend mr. ×× to your esteemed university.

i have known mr. × as a resourceful and goal-oriented individual since 20××, when he, as a freshman, attended the first lecture i delivered, at the beginning of which he asked perceptive and challenging questions with conspicuously typical english. then at the final exam of the first term, he got ×× which seems a bit lower, but if you take the difficulty of the test papers and my strict grading into account, you will understand why such a score is still among the top five. undoubtedly, he got excellent scores on other courses and ranked among the top 5% of his class during the rest years of his high school study.

to my knowledge, mr. × is not only strong in academics, but also in sports and social activities. he was the captain of the ×× team of our school and led the team to win the champianship for × successive years. he was also one of the main founders of the first academic club --"××" of no × middle school.

after his graduation, he still keeps in touch with me from time to time and i am pleased to see that he proved his outstanding capability by applying to study abroad. therefore i feel very delighted when he told me he would like to pursue his advanced studies in your honored program. i am confident that mr. ×will contribute greatly to your program as well as he did in no. ×. please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information about my top student mr. ×.

yours sincerely







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