
山崖发表网范文2022-08-28 09:11:30685



1、 开头 开头部分你要交代清楚你是谁,你为什么写此信或你对此公司的了解程度。在"你是谁"部分,用以下一句话简单介绍一下你自己:"我是XYZ大学大四的学生,在五月毕业,专业是生物等。"只要把最重要、也是与未来雇主最有关的信息写清楚就可以了。在"为什么你写此信"部分,你写清楚谋求的职位或职业目标,告诉他们你对此企业了解的情况,你可以说:"我在Rhode岛设计学校的职业发展部办公室看到你们招聘一个纺织设计员的广告。"或者"在《时代》杂志上我读到了你们东扩的计划,很感兴趣,想加入你们的企业中。"

2、 自我推销 在这一部分,要直奔主题。这一部分的目标就是或用段落或提示号的方式把为何你的读者要雇佣你的理由陈列出来,最好先把你的资历来个总括,然后再具体的说,加以实例。一个典型的开头可以这样写:"我的专业是政治科学,在美国国会实习过,我获得过以下的成就,具有以下的技能。"

3、 客套话 在这部分里,你要对此企业赞赏一番,让他们知道你很愿意在此服务,你可以提一提洗企业的名声、销售成绩、公司文化、管理宗旨或任何其他他们感到骄傲的东西。雇主们通常想知道为什么此企业是你的目标,而不是你一下发了许多求职信中的公司中的普通一个。对每一个企业,你要用不同的客套话,以表达你对他们的公司有所了解。

4、 进一步行动的要求 一些人认为此部分是求职信的结尾部分,其实不然。结尾部分不仅仅只是对你的雇主花时间读你的信表示感谢,这里是开启另一扇门的地方,这里你可以建议如何进一步联络,或打电话或发email。最重要的事是你以积极肯定的语气结束,并主动采取行动。


Dear SirMadam:

Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows and LINUX feel that I am petent to meet the will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a .My studies have included courses in puter control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can municate with others freely in ability to write and speak English is out of question.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact would wele an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

With many thanks,

Wang Lin


Dear Director,

I'd like to apply for the post of assistant which was advertised in the newspaper. I found this position quite appealing to me.

I've just graduated from high school. Luckily I'm good at English and I can speak English fluently. In addition, I have previous experience. During my stay in middle school, I used to be a volunteer and looked after the old people in a nursing home on weekends.

In short, I believe my experience and fluent oral English will be a great help for me in doing the work. I'm available for interview at any time. It would be appreciated if I can get your offer.


Li Hua


Dear Sir,

I am XX school, vehicle inspection and maintenance of professional college graduates, is about to walk into society, I with a sincere heart and to the persistent pursuit of career, sincerely to recommend myself!

In the three years of study life, I to his keen, enterprising, respect work and enjoy company and helpful attitude and performance won the trust and praise from the teachers and students, and constantly strengthen the ideological and political learning, positive to the party. In learning, I not only made the "diligent, rigorous, realistic and innovative" style of study, and adhere to professional and non-professional hand in guiding ideology, efforts to broaden knowledge, establish rational knowledge structure, to adapt to the needs of the development of the society for talents.

I also have served as a monitor, also served as a student cadre work, has the strong ability of class management, activity organization planning ability and interpersonal skills. Take an active part in all kinds of style, social practice at the same time, also have good performance in the aspect of literature and art and sports.

Three years of college I became a has a more solid basis of knowledge and professional knowledge of college students.

Of course, the achievement of the past does not represent the future, diligence is the real meaning, is the rose flower, always is the eagle will soar aloft. Looks like I will not ask, but beg in suits own position play incisively and vividly. I don't expect is rich in material treatment, only hope with all my wisdom, enthusiasm and efforts to achieve my social value and the value of life.

I just going out from the ivory tower, as a college student, I lack of experience may make you hesitate, but please you believe my energy will make up for this temporary shortage, maybe I'm not the best, but I definitely is the most efforts, I believe that as long as the heart, is bound to be successful!


Dear Ms. Trivitts,

I will be moving to Capitol City upon receiving my bachelor's degree in business administration from Duke University this June. A friend of mine, Polly Norton,advised me to contact you. She met you at the last meeting of the Women's Network and said your company was expanding and in need of a marketing manager. I have extensive experience in marketing for service-oriented companies, as you can see from my attached resume. I understand you need people who are both accurate and committed to achieving company goals. I enjoy detailed tasks and strive to excel in my work.

I know Able Insurance is a leading player in regional insurance. I excelled in my coursework in insurance matters at Duke, and my thesis project centered on the insurance industry. I want to work for your company because of its good reputation in the community and its ability to offer excellent training and mobility. I hope to hear from you soon. You may contact me by calling (000) xxx.

Sincerely yours,



(1) 你堂兄建华在国外学习,你们经常用英文通信。他即将完成学业,不久前来信就是否回国工作征求你的'意见。请根据下列提示回信。



注意: 1.词数100左右;



Dear Jian Hua,

I' m very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago.

To Jian Hua

Dear Jian Hua,

I'm very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago. I' ve been thinking about the question you asked me. In my opinion, you should come back after you finish your studies one reason, what you are studying is badly needed nowadays in China. It will be quite easy for you to find a good job. In fact, I know a few big companies in our city are hoping to employ people like you. For another reason, I think it will be much more convenient for you to look after your parents as they are getting old. Therefore, I think it's a good idea for you to return. So what are you waiting for?

Best wishes;

Ming Hua


Dear Mum and Dad,

How are you doing ?


Dear Mum and Dad,

How are you doing ?

I’m writing to you about my gratitude for your having brought me up and my future plan.

Dear Mum and Dad, I am already 18 years old, which shows that I have grown up. Whenever I am thinking of this, I can’t help feeling grateful to you . It is you who first give me encouragement when I meet with difficulties, especially when I am not getting along well with my studies. Indeed, your inspiration seems to be a lamp, which offers me light of hope,

courage and confidence. And more importantly, you are always teaching me to be good to others, and try to contribute to our society.

Dear Mum and Dad, I an now a senior three student , who is facing the competitive national college entrance

examinations, So first of all, I ought to try my best to pass the exams. I am sure that through my great efforts I can and will be able to realize my beautiful dream of being a key university student. Then, I will strive to be an independent youth. The social situation I will be facing must be more competitive, so I will develop and prepare myself to be a youth with a strong sense of cooperation and competition. Believe in me, Mum and Dad, I will make a difference.

Best regards to you .

Yours sincerely,

Wang Hua


Dear Sir or Madam,

I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position.

My name is Li Min. I am twenty-three years old. I am studying business management in Xiamen University. I will graduate this summer. I am familiar with computer operation and office softwares, which can help me do the office work very well. And I have learned English for ten the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department. My grades come out top in my department. What's more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the I could have the opportunity to get the job I will be quite appreciative.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Li Min






4.结尾。主要是强调你的愿望和要求。比如,你希望他给你一个会面的机会,你盼望他做出肯定的答复,你静候他的回音等;然后向他致敬。致敬时,写上“此致 敬礼‘’的字样即可。写时,”此致“二字可居中,”敬礼“要另起一行顶格写。


6.署名、日期。署名时要注意两点:一是不要过分谦卑,写成什么”你的学生X X敬上“等字眼;二是不要过分潦草,写得龙飞凤舞,本来前面写得都很工整认真,这时却突然想炫耀你的书法,结果适得其反,会把读信人对你的好印象破坏殆尽。署名、日期要写在信纸的右下角,分两行排列。












大学期间,我不断完善自己的知识结构,提高自己的综合素质。“天道酬勤”,今日的我已系统的学习并掌握了本系所开设的所有课程,并且熟悉国际形势的发展需要。正因如此,在大学期间多次社会实践活动。 并且能够理论联系实际,在校内外积极进行的实践中,检验自己所学的知识的同时,使自己具备了较强的分析问题和解决问题的动手能力,同时学生会的生活更增强了我的高组织和领导及管理能力。自信和执着是我的原则,沉着和乐观是我处事的态度,爱好广泛使我更加充实。面临择业,我对社会和自己都充满信心,渴望得到社会的认可,能有机会发挥自己的聪明才智,对社会有所贡献。

“十年磨一剑,今日把示君”。我拥有一个健康自然的我,自信而不狂妄,稳重而富有创新,成熟而充满朝气。我愿凭着这个自然的我以最诚挚的心和其他大学生一起接受您的挑选。“英雄有几称夫子?忠义怕公号帝君”,现实社会中,人才如恒河沙数,即宇宙之神也难以一一捡拾,我是否能够脱颖而出,惟有实践验见真值。 回首过去,是我勇于探索勤于求学的知识蕴积之路;展望未来,将是我乐于奉献于业务的事业开拓之途。

尊敬的领导,相信你的您的信任和我的实力的结合将会为我们带来共同的成功。随信附上个人求职简历,蒙阁下抽暇一顾此函,不胜感激! 谨祝工作顺利!








1. I am writing to extend/express my hearty gratitude/appreciation for....

2. I am thankful/obliged to you for your unselfish assistance during....


1. Owing to (due to/thanks to) your....

2. Without/But for your..., I couldn't.....

3. It was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.

4. I take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation of your kind help you rendered me.

5. You are appreciated for/I appreciate you so much for....


1. Once again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you.

2. Thanks again and I hope that I will have the opportunity to return/repay your kindness.



1. I was very delighted/excited to hear the news that....

2. Please allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to....


1. Your diligence and devotion are repaid/paid off.

2. You really deserve it.


1. I wish you more success and fulfillment in the years ahead.

2. And, I am looking forward to hearing more good news from you.



1. I just can not tell you how sorry I was to learn of your unhappy experience/injury/accident....

2. I felt very sorry indeed when I was informed of your sickness.


1. I wish there were something I could say or do to ease your sense of loss/to soften your grief.

2. I know there were no words that can be a comfort to you now.


1. I hope that you will soon be completely restored to health/get well again.

2. Please don't hesitate to call on me if there is anything I can do now and always.



1. It would be grateful if you could furnish us with the information about...

2. I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information/concerning regarding...

3. I would like to know/inquire if you have some information about...


1. Frankly speaking, I am quite ignorant of … Therefore, I am writing to ask for your help.

2. Another matter I need information/Another point I am still not sure is that …

3. I would also like some clarification on …

4. It would be great if you could supply me with the following information.



1. I am writing to formally request to …on the matter of …

2. We shall be greatly obliged if you …

3. I am writing to seek your assistance in …

4. I would very much like to ask for your permission with this letter to…


1. Thank you for your kind assistance/your attention to these requests.

2. I shall greatly appreciate your answering my questions in this case.

3. I would appreciate your considering this matter and getting back to me at your earliest convenience.

4. I do appreciate the favorable consideration you have shown to me.

5. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at 123456789.



1. I would like to see your presence at …

2. I wonder if you could come to …

3. I take the pleasure to invite you to …

4. It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to …

5. It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to…


1. I would feel honored if you could come./I do hope that you will be able to come.

2. I’m looking forward to your participation in …

3. I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision.

4. We should be very please if you could honor us with your presence.

5. Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come?

6. If that time does not fit into your schedule, please feel free to suggest a day that is more convenient to you.



1. I am writing to inform you about my decision of resignation/that I intend to resign from my current potion.

2. I feel very sorry for having to give up my position as …

3. I feel reluctant to give up my present job, but I …

4. I am sure it will come as no surprise that I wish to resign my position as…

5. Thank you for all the patience, wisdom, and experience that you shared with me.


I find it is inappropriate for me to take the position as … for the following reasons.

I have expected the job to be interesting and challenging, which turns out to be the opposite.

There are a few factors involved that I find intolerable.


1. I sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.

2. Thank you for your caring and consideration in these several years’ working.

3. Thank you very much for offering me the opportunity to work with the outstanding staff here.

4. I would appreciate it if you would accept my resignation before…

5. Please let me to take this chance to thank you for the rewarding experience I have enjoyed during my employment.

6. My best wishes for the company’s continued growth.



1. I am writing in response to your advertisement in...

2. I would like to apply for the vacancy/position of...advertised in …

3. I am writing this letter to submit my application for…

4. I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in …

5. In reply to your advertisement in …, I beg to apply for the post of … in your company.

6. Your advertised position of … interests me…

7. I am writing this letter to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for the job of … you have advertised on…


1. I graduated from … University majoring in… I have been working in … since my graduation, and I have therefore attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field.

2. The kind of work in which your company is engaged particularly interests me.

3. I feel I have the necessary qualifications and experience needed for the position for… advertised in the newspaper.

4. It seems to me that my working experience, together with my education background, has given me an ideal preparation to assume the role of … in a firm such as yours.


1. I would be most grateful if you grant me a personal interview.

2. Any favorable consideration of my application will be highly appreciated.

3. I should be pleased to attend for an interview at your convenience, when I could give you further details concerning myself.

4. Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

5. I have enclosed my resume that gives details of my qualifications and experience.

6. I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can explain my qualifications more fully.

7. I should be pleased to attend for an interview at your convenience, when I could give you further details concerning myself.



1. I am writing to call on/initiative/appeal you to take part in a charity sale/...


1. As a nation renowned in the world for many of its virtues, we Chinese people have been giving a helping hand to those who are in distress throughout history.

2. It is our duty to provide as much support as we can to those in need.

3. I truly appeal to all of you to come and...


Dear leaders:


Sichuan University,I am a mechanical XXXX graduates XX. Thank you for your busy schedule to take some time to read this,I recommended materials,provided me with a chance of success.

University during the period,in line with the attitude of rigorous study,I focus on learning the actual abilities,professional knowledge and practice,and actively participate in various social activities will be used to practice I have learned to continuously improve their work ability to carry out various tasks for the future and lay a solid foundation. In English,I passed the nationalexamination three English,have good listening,speaking,writing and translation capabilities. In the computer,I learn a wide range of computer hardware and software knowledge,can skilled use of pro / e,CAD software,and through a national computer-level examination,at the same time have some knowledge about the Internet,can effectively use the Internet resources.

With self-confidence,I recommend myself to you,if your company had the honor to become a member of,I would like to start from a young age,starting from now on,open-minded dedication,hard work,continuous learning in practice,give full play to their initiative,creativity,hard Tim was a development of the company's luster.

Finally,once again Thank you for reading this letter and look forward to your reply as soon as possible. Your organization would like to prosperity!

People put themselves forward


Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing this letter to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for the position advertised on the newspaper—part-time English reporter.

I am a student from Xinhua Middle School, aged think Im qualified for the job .First of all, as a student, Ive read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields. Im enthusiastic about English and do well not only in speaking but also in writing. Besides, Im easy to get along with an enjoy working together with others. Last but not least, I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station. So Im sure I can do the job well if I get the position.

I would appreciate it if you could allow me an looking forward to your reply.

Chinese is one of the worlds major language. It is spoken by the largest number of people in the world, more than 1 billion, most of whom live in China. there are about 50,000 characters in written Chinese, about 20,000 of which are known to most people. There are 8 main varieties of Chinese, which are different from each other in pronunciation. Putonghua, closely similar to the language spoken Beijing, has been developed since the late 1950s.

At the same time, Chinese plays an important role in communication in the world. As a result, more an more forigners are becoming interested in learning Chinese.


Dear associate:

what a wonderful service you provide! placing qualified professionals within the legal profession serves the needs of many, particularly someone like myself who is entering the field with so much to offer.

as i near completion of the aba-approved paralegal program at state college, i am preparing to offer my skills to los angeles county law firms. in addition to my superior, straight-a record in this program, i possess a background in the business world that arms me with a valuable perspective others may not have.

for 20 years, i was an integral member of digital electronics' product innovation team. in this capacity, i worked closely with federal regulators and patent attorneys, and i can bring this experience to bear on behalf of your clients.

also, i am trained in automated legal research programs (lexis and westlaw), and maintain my student password.

i would welcome the chance to pursue any openings for which you feel i may be qualified.




求职应聘要讲究三个阶段的礼节即应聘前、应聘过程中和应聘后。很多人在求职过程中都只注重了应聘过程中的礼仪而忽略了应聘前的准备礼仪和应聘后的善后礼仪。 其实无论是应聘前还是应聘后礼仪同样重要每个环节的礼仪都不应该被忽视。


准备简历和求职信。求职前要精心准备好一份简历和求职信,制作个人简历讲究诚信 同时也要力求精彩既不要过分夸耀自己。也不要过于谦卑。两者都会带来负面影响因而 应该竭力避免。在简历中实事求是地描述自己真实而不弄虚作假这一点很重要。写求职信也有礼仪要求称呼要准确且有礼貌用尊称收信人的姓名与职务也要对应避免出现张冠李戴的错误。求职信开头的问候和结尾的祝福是必不可少的礼仪即使开头的问候语只有简洁的“您好”两字也能体现出求职者的礼貌素养。结尾可用一些套用格式恰当地使用一些祝福语表示礼貌。

…… …… 余下全文






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