
山崖发表网范文2022-08-25 12:48:22366


Everybody is good, I was young in the! Very glad to come to your company for an interview today! I am 26 years old this year, graduated from the Hunan Vocational College of Engineering Department of information engineering, School of information management professionals! Graduated in 2007 to now almost 5 years, I used to be a programmer, network maintenance, testing and so on work! I hope your company can give me a chance! Thank you.





记得我刚买回兔子的时候,它什么东西也不吃,总是缩在笼子的一角,时不时还微微地发抖.发现这现象后,我担心极了:"怎么回事呢 是生病了吗 还是刚到新环境不习惯 还是它感觉萝卜不好吃呢 "于是,我每天都给它换着口味,今天不爱吃萝卜,我明天就给它换生菜,天天忙得我不亦乐乎.终于,它大胆了一些,对我也友好了许多.我每天下午还把它放出来,让它呼吸一下新鲜空气.时间一长,我一打开笼子,它就会蹦出来,蹭我呢,这真令我高兴.是啊,只要对动物多一些关心了,动物们也会对你友好的.我就是这样渐渐成为了一个有爱心的人.



Hello, my name is * * *, University of graphic design professional students, I love my profession, because the design can paint yourself. Let a person feel your happiness.

Four years, I participated in the social practice, also participated in many design contest, very good exercise myself, including professional knowledge, psychological quality, make oneself become more rational and mature. To make me full, happy, makes me grow. In addition, I love literature, could have rich knowledge of literature by learning and creation.

In school, I love the socialist, support the Communist Party and his leadership. China consciously abide by state laws and school discipline. Actively participated in various school activities of Party school, close to the party organization, and obtained the certificate party. At school, I actively participate in from the class to the Department of various collective activities of the school, and give counsel. Students always concerned about the collective, harmonious relationship with you.

As a class cadre, I strive to serve the students, and actively assist the work of teachers, carry out various forms of activities, coordination of the relationship between students and the collective, so that our class has become a vibrant, dynamic class

In the field of learning. In my professional knowledge as the main body, supplemented by other subjects. Four years of university study subjects of professional courses, have a basic understanding of professional knowledge and professional knowledge system and related. During some commissioned poster design and name card were adopted. In addition, I pay much attention to the development of English proficiency, insisted every morning the morning reading, cultivate the ability of oral English. During the university successfully passed the English 46 levels of tests. By taking part in social practice. Summer vacation social practice, I know the hard work, know how to do anything serious, patience and good occupation moral quality, let me more Cherish all the fruits of labor, more rational use of the hard-earned money of parents, in which I learned some ways of dealing with people, understand the communication between people

Although now my social experience and work experience, but I think time and intentions can make up for everything, in the future, I will try to exercise a strong will, to meet the needs of social development, enhance the ability to adapt to all kinds of work, broaden the professional knowledge, to master the professional knowledge and skills, theory and in combination with practice, devote to the future work and career. Thank you!





Good morning, Dear Professors:

It’s my honor to introduce myself. My name is chenchen, I am from qingyang County anhui Province, April 6 I was born in a common family, and my parents are workers, I love and respect them very much. We were delight with my becoming a fresh man in September 1994.


I'm Hua Zhengxian. I'm ten years old. I'm in Class 5,Grade 4. My hair is short. My eyes are small. I get up at six o'clock. I have breakfast at six fifteen. I go to school at seven o'clock. I have lunch at twelve o'clock. I go home at eight o'clock. I watch TV at eight ten. I go to bed at nine o'clock. I like playing computer games and going fishing. On Sunday morning, I usually do my homework. In the afternoon, I play games with my friends.


Nom : je m'appelle Anne Fournier Perrot

Age : j'ai 28 ans

Situation de famille : je suis célibataire, j'ai un fils

Profession : je suis professeur de franais

Adresse : j'habite à Nice en face de la mer (ouahhhhh !!)

Nationalité : je suis franaise

Description : je mesure 1m 62, je pèse 50 kg, je suis blonde, j'ai les cheveux longs et mes yeux sont verts.

Caractère : je suis nerveuse, je suis cultivée, je suis modeste, je ne suis pas paresseuse mais je suis hypocrite, je suis bavarde et timide.

Loisirs : je fais la vaisselle, je repasse les vêtements, je passe l'aspirateur, je fais la cuisine et je fais de la musculation.

Gots : j'aime les jeux vidéo, j'adore la bande dessinée, j'adore l'opéra chinois, je déteste les "fast food", je hais les gens plus intelligents que moi.


Today, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Wang Jun. I'm 7 years old, and I'm in grade three at the Experimental Primary School

I have a round face, red, like apple, smiling face little dimples. My eyes round, bright, like a grape like.

My character is very gentle, many children are willing to make friends with me. Sometimes, I play in the yard, found many little brother and sister to play with me behind, they all love call my sister. Sometimes, someone broke my toys, I do not get angry, said never mind.

I have many hobbies, love drawing, playing the piano, reading, singing, playing chess. However, I love playing the piano, when he finished his homework when I opened the piano, carefully playing beautiful music. Listening to the melodious sound, I forget everything. Through my efforts, I also participated in the piano competition. Although I am small, but also won the praise of uncle aunt.


Hello everybody,My name is Binbin,I am a 15-year-old girl,I like playing basketball very mvch,I often planging basketball with my friends,I think it is very interesting,I like reading and surfing the Interesting,too.

I exercise three times a week,I eat fruit and vegetables every day,

I think it is good for my health,I'm more outgong than most of the kidsin my class,but sometimes ,

I'm very quiet, My friengs saied I'm very friehdly,I often mkae my friends friends often saied it is difficult to learn English very good,MY most friengs don't like English, But I'm good at English I often help my friends ,I hope I learn English better than ago.


dear teachers and classmates:

my name is shan am studying in langqing primary am in grade school is combined by couples of primary teachers are very classmates are getting along with each other very school is quite are sharing our pleature while we are studying.

although i am not tall,i love playing favourite player is liu will learm paeverance,confidence and adherence from strongly believe that a persevering as well as confident man is to realize his dream!

thank you for listening to me! thank you!


Of course,I am export at these I also have many other hobbies you don't know,I wish you could find my hobbies in the summer also I can find your hobbies,maybe wehave the same you think it will be believe,I believe we will have a good tme,and we will leave a deep,a beautiful,an unforgettable impression!So everything is waiting for you and me to create 'am so happy to enjoy with you in next ten conclusion,I wish to grow together,study together and we can be good friends at you!


Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen

Now,I say hello to you ,to you you for giving me a chance to show , Let me introduce myselfe.

There is a girl ,whose nane is viky standing in front of you .I come from~ ~ uinversity

As to my character ,I can not describe it think I am a collection of contradictions.

I like eating,but do not like cooking;

I perfer English,but do not perfer to remember English words;

I usually get up early,but always late at weekend;

I think because of these contradictions ,my life become hope you will like and support this contradicting girl,Thank you!


My name is * *, I graduated from the College of art and design major is * * * * University. The direction of clothing design, through four years of unremitting efforts and hard work, I finished school and on the society. The study by the University, I learned a lot of knowledge about clothing. With love for the professional, for their own to improve the quality of learning, I invested the huge enthusiasm and energy, and has made outstanding achievements, won several scholarships.

During the university served as monitor, exercise my hardworking and pragmatic, not sticking to formalities habits, strengthen my dedication, sense of responsibility, I am good at cultivating unity, innovative spirit. I usually focus on the organization, communication, coordination, training innovation ability, students actively participate in collective activities and work in. This process, fully exercise my thinking ability, innovation ability, identify problems, analyze problems, problem-solving skills, cultivate the scientific spirit I am hard-working, not afraid of difficulties, enrich my knowledge.

In the summer internship, I learned many books there is no professional knowledge, improve the comprehensive quality, let me on the clothing material, clothing technology, garment pattern making and other eye-opening, let me learn a lot of knowledge, and thus more convinced me to dry clothing industry interest. I will to enrich themselves, to make their own efforts to become in the apparel industry professionals.

My life is in a period full of go, I am eager to display their talents in the wider world, I hope to join your organization. Do not seek an easy life, do not figure preferential treatment, only continue to work hard to find their own space, improve their comprehensive ability in practice.


tout le monde bon, jappelle , le mle, 21, linstitut de grands 4 étudiants de langues étrangères, étudie cette année suis des spécialités anglaises, 2 franais dextérieur, par langlais spécialisé 6 niveaux, bientt après diplmé dannée obtiendrai la licence,

est honoré aujourdhui pour pouvoir beaucoup participer à cette heure dinterviewer, jaurai la confiance, donc pourrai certainement avoir la bonne apparence, remercierai de moi cette occasion


Hello,My name is Han Xueru .I am from am a am metres have a long hair ,big eyes and small nose .My favourite clothes are skirts,sweaters,pants and favourite colour are red,pink,green ,purple ,blue and favourie food are chicken ,dumpling ,rice ,eggs ,cake ,bread ,porridge and favourite fruit are apples,bananas,pears,peaches strawberries and favourite animalare are cat,

dog,kangaroo,monkey,panda,rabbit,sheep and favourite seasons are spring and favourite weathers are sunny ahd snowy.

How about you?


Je m'appelle Amandine, 20 ans, 'aivécu à Pékin, Beijing est la capitale de la Chine, c'est un trèstrèscoeur de la ville.

J'ai trois à la maison, mon père, ma mère et moi, mon père a été l'édition, ma mère est de la fonction 'ai cinq animaux-chats, je les aime.

Je suis une étudiante à l'université, l'étude de l'art, j'aime la musique et les 'aime aller au printemps, les voyages, j'aime voir des fleurs.

Je m'appleAmandine,j'ai 20 suis 'habiteapekin qui est le capital de la est une grande ville et une ville tres anime.

Il y a 3 personnes dans ma famille:monpere,mamere et moi.

Mon pere est redacteur et ma mere est fonctionnaire publique.

On'ai 5 chats favori,je les aimes beaucoup.

Je suis etudiante,j'etudie les 'aime des musiques et des filmes.

J'aime bien voyager et des fleurs.


Bonjour, je suis * * *, principale est la politique internationale, les étudiants de l'Université de quatre ans de vie est le point clé de ma vie. La vie de carrière et la pratique du campus, je continue de défier et de s'enrichir, afin d'établir une base solide pour atteindre la valeur de la vie.

Dans l'étude, je garde les pieds sur terre, l'innovation. Les efforts de l'apprentissage de connaissances spécialisés a été matrisé, procédé d'analyse de sciences sociales et sciences naturelles. La combinaison d'apprendre de notre politique étrangère et de la politique de la frontière, le règlement et la politique internationale de la science, le développement de l'économie mondiale dynamique. Pour améliorer leurs relations sociales et les aspects la capacité d'utilisation de la connaissance, je participe activement dans la pratique. Ces expériences, non seulement d'améliorer la capacité de mon dur, autonomes, mais également d'améliorer ma capacité à coopérer avec d'autres et de communication.

La pensée positive, je demande à aller de l'avant, pour les membres du parti comme objectif strict avec moi. Je n'ai le temps de comprendre la situation de chaque branche, les responsabilités et les travaux de la société et les étudiants, entre les groupes d'étudiants à mener des activités de loisirs, de promouvoir les échanges entre étudiants. Grce à ces activités, non seulement de créer une étude de l'atmosphère, également enrichi la culture du campus, d'enrichir la vie culturelle amateur de nouveaux camarades de classe, mais aussi de renforcer le sentiment de fierté collective de ses camarades de classe, équipe. Dans la vie de quatre ans, l'Université de précieux, j'ai vécu beaucoup de choses de la vie qui n'existe pas, je peux dire que quatre ans est la moitié de l'aide j'ai réussi, je La confiance en leurs capacités et de connaissances, de travail et de vie après la remise des diplmes de surmonter les difficultés, de continuer à la réalisation des objectifs de la valeur et de la poursuite de leur propre vie. Merci!


I'm 138 centimeters tall and I have a flat head. My eyebrows bend like a small banana. I have a pair of small eyes, there are two like glass beads like eyes, my nose like a small triangle, there is a big mouth.

I am slim, but my mother felt too thin, always let me eat more fat, but I think I am very good, don't want to get fat.

I am a very humorous boy who often tells classmates some jokes in life, and the students are happy to hear me tell jokes and be happy to get along with me.

I have my strengths and shortcomings. My weakness is the carelessness, why do I say I'm careless? Because one day I finished my homework, do not check, did not change over the typo. The mother gave me a check, found several typo, but I also have to write the exams because be penalized the typo.

Let's talk about my hobbies. I love playing chess, running and skipping, and I like reading. There are dozens of extracurricular books on my desk. Do you want to be friends with my humorous and careless boy!



My name is XXX, at 20-- years Joined theSchool of Information Management Department of economic information study, and in 200 - years - months before graduation.

Succeeded under eat bitter, I come out from the rural areas, have realized that the school career is not easy. In school, systematic study of the economic information management knowledge, while taking advantage of spare time out to do part-time. He was a clerk and the two companies did business and so on.

Accumulated some e-perience in social practice, to 200 - years - months - months, has been YISHION clothing store clerk and business sales and so on. Work in si- months time, I have made some achievements, the company completed the sale of the development tasks, in addition to the other branch colleagues to help sell some clothes.

In my work, I had successes and failures, but regardless of success or failure, all of my accumulated e-perience and lessons, work through these si- months, I not only personal ability, professional knowledge had improved, he has learned team spirit , the importance of team spirit. I believe that with si- months work e-perience, I more clearly what they have to, what to do, whatto do, how to do a good job. I believe that this e-perience will be my ne-t life, a good start.

Thank you!


It is my great pleasure to introduce was born in LIAONING. My major is international trade. I was graduated in Nankai University. My hobby lies in the music and reading, especially like economics.

I am glad that i can take part in this interview and i am sincerely hope that i can join this company to realize my dream. please give my a chance. Thank you.






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