
山崖发表网范文2022-08-23 10:38:01221


It is no exaggeration to say that listening is more important than talking. For instance, without listening, a baby won’t know how to speak; without enough listening, we cannot speak English fluently; without listening carefully in classroom, we cannot follow our teachers.

There are several reasons to account for the importance of listening. First and foremost, only by listening to others carefully can we understand their points of views. Secondly, more listening can not only broaden our horizons, but also helps us absorb others’ wisdom. Last but not least, listening is an input and talking is an output. It is unwise to voice our opinions in those topics that we are unfamiliar with.

As an old Chinese old saying goes, silence is gold. Therefore, in my humble opinion, it is of great significance for us to spend more time in listening instead of rushing to speak.

第三篇:Never go out there to see what happens, go out there to make something happen

There is no doubt that we should never go out there to see what happens; instead, we should take actions to make things happen. A telling example is Youyou Tu. She and her colleagues made 380 extracts from 2,00 herbs before they finally succeeded in discovering the pure substance qinghaosu, which can be used to treat malaria. As we all know, there were numerous scientists who wanted to find this substance, but it was her firm actions that made her the first Chinese Nobel laureate in medicine.

Why?Reasons are quite simple and can be listed as follows. To begin with, only by taking actions can we find the best way to solve those problems we are facing, but as a bystander, we can learn nothing meaningful. In addition, in an age full of ruthless and relentless competitions, without taking actions to make things happen, we are bound to lose those valuable opportunities. For instance, if Apple had just gone out there to see what happens in mobile phones, it could not have presented the amazing product, iPhone, to us.

Accordingly, we college students should not just be a watcher but a doer. In my humble opinion, we can start from applying what we have learned into practice.


Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over the issue that should english majors study math. Some people hold that all of students should study math, others do not agree.

As for me, I agree with the later opinion. WIth university budgets cut , more and more universities choose to cancel math math as part of education helps develop intelligence that leads to greater success in school and in student in the nation should have an education in math until they prepare to work. Universities should do everything they can to spread the importance of math. And advance the resort of math education as part of the a student opportunity to study accounting can promote his or her later success in have found that students involved in math likely to succeed in society.

Math is not only a skill, but also a culture in a word ,non english majors study english in college is benefit to their life and should study Math in college.



Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on thepicture below。You should focus on theimpact of social networking websites on reading。

“I love reading。 I read about 3 hours aday。

My favorite book is 面书。”

*面书 is the name of a social networking website。





Thepicture describes a conversation between two people,one of them said: “I readabout 3 hours a day。My favorite book is 面书。”The picture intends toinform us that the Internet has exerted an important influence on reading forthe modern citizens。

The phenomenon involves many factors,which canbe listed as the follows。 To begin with,with the rapid development of scientific technology,The Internet has become indispensable in our daily ,it provides people with many advantages and makes our life morecomfortable and efficient, including the way of reading。What’s more,it is a moreadvanced way to get information needed by people,and an efficient way to searchfor materials。“I have hardly ever bought any books since 2003。I have beenreading online in recent years。”said professor Wang from Peking University。“With the click of the mouse,any stories or information that I want at anygiven time or place,is there。”she said。This may well explain why so manypeople now prefer to embrace the wonders of the Internet than read print copiesof book or any other reading material。

Every coin hastwo sides,reading in social networking websites is no exception。 Admittedly,there is false and useless information on the social networking websites, it isadvisable that we read more critically and carefully。





①I am ______(自我介绍). ②I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about.

③The reason for my dissatisfaction is _____(总体介绍). ④In the first place,______(抱怨的第一个方面). ⑤In addition, ______

(抱怨的第二个方面). ⑥Under these circumstances, I find it_____(感觉) to _____(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).

⑦I appreciate it very much if you could _____(提出建议和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this

matter settled by _____(设定解决事情最后期限). ⑧Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,(your name)


Dear Sir:

With reference to our order No. W98, the 120 computer sets supplies to the above order were delivered the day before yesterday,

but we regret that 20 sets were badly damaged.

The packages containing the computer sets appeared to be in good condition and we accepted and signed for them without question.

We unpacked the computer sets with care and can only assume that damage must be due to careless handling at some stage prior to


We shall be glad if you will replace all 20 sets as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we have put the damaged computer sets aside in

case you need them to support a claim on your suppliers for compensation.

Yours sincerely, (your name)





请遵守用户 评论公约




英语投诉信范文。英语投诉信范文(一):Li Ming.英语投诉信范文(二):On September 10, our order for 280 women''''''''s cotton sweaters was duly received, ...


考研英语一参考范文(2010-2017)On the one hand, invented less than a hundred years ago, mobile phones are now used ...







考研英语真题必备范文 评论 1.




专四作文12种便条类型范文。Dear Amelia,It''s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, I would like to come. I will go to the place right after I finish my work at about 5 p...




For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one is to take a job in a company and the other to go to a graduate school. You are to make a choice between the two. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Upon graduation, virtually all college students will confront the problem of the career choice,which is truly a tough choice. Students' opinions differ greatly on this issue. Some hold that priority should be given to take a job, but others take the attitude that going to a graduate school is the most critical factor influencing their future career choices.

As to myself, I prefer the latter view. A higher educational background exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people, with no exception to me. This phenomenon that the graduates have difficulties in finding job after their graduation can easily be found anywhere in our daily life, especially on campus. On the one hand, with the improved high education of Chinese college students which directly brought the result that there are more and more graduates every year. On the contrary, job vacancies don’t increase that fast. More people, less food, which is the exact description of the hard condition. On the other hand, more and more people go on to pursue their master and doctor degree; more and more Chinese oversea students come back to China to hunt better working chances. It is sure that the competition is more and more fierce.

Therefore, it is high time that we took effective measures to improve our own competitiveness. That is the secret of success in the future employment market after our graduation.


雅思小作文2021真题范文,2021年4月3日雅思考试真题回忆及参考答案(附大小作文详细的雅思小作文范文及解析)。2021年5月7日雅思官方出品。2020年5月13日雅思官方出品。2020年1月12日雅思官方宣布,雅思小作文考试共计40题,其中小作文的题型占比为10% ,大作文的题型主要分为大作文和大作文两大类,大作文的题型包括大作文和小作文,大作文的题型包括了大作文和大作文两种。大作文题型包括大作文和小作文两部分,大作文的题干数量均为3题,大作文的题型均有涉及,大作文的题目数量也有增减,考生可以参考一下小作文的题型,如何高效利用大作文题型,快速提高小作文分数。


The population on earth is increasing rapidly, and with the developmcnr of modern industry, more and more people are flowing into cities. So, the housing problem in big cities is becoming more and more serious.

There have been many suggested solutions to this problem. And I'm in favour of the idea of building satellite cities in suburbs. The fresh air and beautiful scenery will attract people to leave the overcrowdedcity. With many people leaving the city, more space will be available for those remaining. We can find a lot of successful examples in other coun tries which solve the housing problem by building satellite cities.

Meantime, I don't think developing to the underground will help solve the problem. I can hardly imagine that people will like to live under the ground, withoul the sky and the sun. It will make people feel totally uncomfortable.

The building of satellite cities is a good way to solve the housing problem. It will not only relieve the burden on the big city, but also provide a much better environment for people to live. Of course, there is no perfect way to solve the problem. The housing problem is very complicated, involving many other problems such as traffic, you cannol rely on one way to solve the problem completely.


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one is to find a job somewhere and the other to start a business of your own. You are to make a decision. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your decision. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Upon graduation, virtually all college students will confront the problem of the career choice,which is truly a tough choice. Students' opinions differ greatly on this issue. Some hold that priority should be given to start a business of your own, but others take the attitude that finding a job is the best choice influencing their future.

As to myself, I prefer the latter view. An opportunity to start a business exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people, with no exception to me. In my view, With the competition in the job market becoming increasingly fierce for college graduates, some ambitious students have tried their hands at launching their own businesses. Over the years,there have been many successful cases of student entrepreneurship and such attempts should be encouraged and promoted by both the universities and the society at large. What’s more ,College students who start businesses are pioneers,among whom will be born China’s future business leaders. Faced with unknown challenges, they are audacious enough to embark on a perilous journey while most of their peers enjoy stable salaries by working as white-collars at high-end office buildings.

All in all, the essential difference between the students who find a job or those students who create their own businesses is that the former are docile followers whereas the latter are aggressive trailblazers. For this reason, business-launching college graduates are more admirable, and thus they command our deep respect.


Nowadays many universities encourage and organize students to take part in social practice activities. During the holidays, more and more students choose to be the volunteers, take part-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike. It’s obvious that social practice is playing a more and more important role in China’s college education.

Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice. Above all, they are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside the campus. Moreover, in social practice activities, students can apply their knowledge to the solution to the practical problems. So their practical skills are improved greatly. Besides, social practice helps strengthen students’ sense of social responsibility.

Considering the above-mentioned, I think, it is necessary for college students to participate in social practice. However, social practice may bring some problems. For example, some students spend too much time in taking part-time jobs so as to ignore their study. Therefore, we should try to balance the relationship between social practice and study。


Dear Ms. Riddle,

I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from your Oral English class this Thursday morning.

Yesterday afternoon I got a phone call from my cousin, who is now operating a small company in suburbs of this city. He needs an interpreter for two days but cannot find the most trustworthy person, so he wants me to make an attempt. It seems to me that this is a golden opportunity to put what I have learned in your class into practice, but I need your permission of absence. If you think I may go and help him overcome the difficulty, I am confident that Ill do a good job and both of us will be thankful.

Earnestly yours,



Part Ⅳ Translation 翻译(汉译英)

普洱(Pu'er)茶深受中国人喜爱,最好的普洱茶产自云南的西双版纳(Xishuangbanna), 那里的气候和环境为普洱茶树的生长提供了最佳条件。普洱茶颜色较深,味道与其他的茶截然不同。普洱茶泡(brew) 的时间越长越有味道。许多爱喝的人尤其喜欢其独特的香味和口感。普洱茶含有多种有益健康的元素,常饮普洱茶有助于保护心脏和血管,还有减肥、消除疲劳和促进消化的功效。

Pu'erisone of the most popular types of tea among the Chinese people , with its best produced in Xishuangbanna ,Yunnan Province , where the climate and the environment provide the tea with the best growing conditions .Pu'erteafeatures comparatively dark colour and totally different longer it brews, the better it 'er lovers especially fancy its unique fragrance and flavour .Asit contains many beneficial elements ,thetea helps not onlyprotect the heart and blood vessels but also loseweight ,re-Lieve fatigue and improve digestion if one drinks it regularly .

【2021年6月英语四级翻译真题答案完整 2021年6月英语四级翻译真题答案三套】相关推荐文章:





Since the financial crisis swept the world, the global economy has sunk into a severe recession. It's hard to get through a day without hearing or reading news about the devastating effects of the crisis: A world of companies go bankrupt, millions of employees are laid off, high-return investment bubbles burst, and huge sums of loans can never be retrieved. Its impact on our daily life can be felt in all walks of life.

College students inevitably fall victim to this pervasive slump as well. On top of that, internships and job vacancies are reduced to the minimum as companies keep shrinking. New graduates find themselves hard to get a job, not to speak of a satisfactory one. What comes next? Poor students will be hard-pressed if they find student loans unavailable any more. As a result, some even cannot afford to continue their studies. Lastly, more students are probably out there anxiously looking for part-time jobs now that they have to help cover their expenses in this gloomy economy. Their innocence and eagerness might be taken advantage of by some malicious businesspeople, or even criminal gang.

In response to these threats, we students must act promptly and wisely. Since we definitely will be facing a competitive job market, it's crucial that we submit high quality resumes. Therefore, we must commit more to our professional studies. Even do better, master more relevant job skills as a double security. Furthermore, apply for scholarships and grants, as these are still available and we don't have to pay them back. As for the safety issues, trust our instinct - there's no free lunch in this world. Anything that promises quick returns without much work is a sure trap. Stay alert and protect ourselves.


There is an old saying goes like this :“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” It’s the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today. It implies the great significance of working hard at the present instead of putting things off till tomorrow.

This argument can be proved by the following facts. First and foremost,only if we make the full use of the present can we grasp the opportunities that we fail to predict, as it is said that chance favors the prepared mind. Additionally, today is under our control while tomorrow is always unpredictable and uncontrollable. We need to set a goal for tomorrow and put it into action example, if you want to win the first prize in an English contest, what you can do is to take advantage of every “today” to practice to ensure a victory.

Judging from the evidence offered, we might safely draw the conclusion that it is very essential for us to seize the day and be prepared all the time for tomorrow.


脱贫Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 mimites to write an essay based on the chart below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the chart and comment on China s achievements in poverty alleviation. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


We can see clearly from this chart that the rural population in poverty in China has decreased sharply from the year of 2012 to 2020, from around 95 million, consisting of 12 percent population of the whole country in 2012, to almost none. Such achievements in poverty alleviation are marvelous and must have gone beyond the imagination of many.

The cold hard data depicted on the graph might be a little abstract, but the real changes happening in the life of the Chinese people over the past decade are much more eloquent. For example, in the past, people were very much concerned about whether they have enough food to eat most of the time, but now they are more interested in whether the food they eat is healthy enough. What's more, in the last decade, an increasing number of students have had the chance to go to college, which was impossible for them to do in the past.

I'd like to express my heartfelt thanks to the central government of China and the whole people of the nation. Had it not been their joint efforts in the past decade, China could never have achieved such a success in poverty elimination.




Suppose you are planning a tour of a historical site for a group of international an email to

1) tell them about the site, and

2) give them some tips for the tour

Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not use your own name, use "Li Ming"instead.(10 points)


Some parents in China are overprotective of their children. They plan everything for their children, make all the decisions for them, and do not allow them to explore on their own in case they make mistakes or get hurt.

It’s common that nowadays in order to pave the way for their children’s path to success, an increasing number of parents clear any obstacles and provide their kids with the very best. As such, their children won’t suffer any failures, frustrations and pains.

The phenomenon exits for a long time. Even before their children were born, everything from basic necessities of life to top schools have already been taken into consideration and prepared. Admittedly, it’s parents’ responsibilities to support the children and prepare for the future when they are not mature enough to make major decisions. However, parents who have done everything for their children may take it too far, which may hurt the children’s growth and development. If children have never encountered any blocks in the course of growing up, what will happen to them when they step into the real world? They will be reluctant to face challenges and shoulder any responsibilities.

Life is filled with hardship. Instead of overprotecting their children, parents must stop pampering the young and make them get outside the comfort zone, so that they can develop some necessary abilities and better adapt to the society.



One glance at a pyramid can leave the viewer in awe of its beauty and splend or. Upon closer examination, however, one might be surprised to discover that such a grandiose structure is composed entirely of ordinary stones.

Most people are familiar with the proverb: Rome was not built in a day. An object as grand as a pyramid is likewise not so quickly or easily constructed. Just as the greatness of the city of Rome is due to the combination of its smaller parts, a pyramid is only as strong as the stones it is comprised of. The image of a pyramid reminds us that great success is in fact an accumulation of small achievements.

History proves that many famous artists and scientists are only successful because of their continued efforts, even after numerous failures. One might recall Leonardo Dancing‘s drawing of an egg, Wang Xi Zhi practicing handwriting, or Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb, for example. The fable that tells us that even water can eventually pierce through stone also points to the importance of patience and diligence. We should take such stories and histories into account and remember the importance of fundamentals; remember that one can build a pyramid only if one is willing to work with small stones. People would be wise to abandon rash inclinations and instead try in earnest. Perseverance is sure to lead to success.


Along with the improvement of living standards,people are no longer content with being fed and clothed are more concerned about how to enhance their sense of happiness.

To a large extent,happiness depends on individuals’understanding about some people,happiness relies on material which they can’t live comfortably and others,they believe that happiness has nothing to do with to enhance the sense of happiness is not equal to improving one’s material living ,people are supposed to confront their life with right attitude,to be active and grateful in order to have a happy life.

For my part,money does buy only up to the point where it enables one to live boost one’s sense of happiness not only needs the material but also the spiritual enrichment. It encompasses living a meaningful life,utilizing your gifts and your time,living with reflection and objective.


There is a famous saying that the best preparation for tomorrow is to do good work today. Simple as the saying is, it informs us that one doesn’t need to worry about the future if he can seize the moment.

It is generally believed that taking immediate action is of great importance. Doing good work today enables people to achieve their great goals step by step. Assume a college student who is indulged in his wishful thinking of passing the CET-6 exam with a high score without any efforts and hardwork,and he will be devastated to accept the reality when he fails. The same thing may be said of some grown-ups who aspire to gain fame and fortune but never bother to put their splendid plans into practice immediately.

Therefore, by some means or other we must take action to pursue our goals. It is necessary for us to aim high but our behaviors should also deserve our dreams. We are supposed to put our efforts into every single day and never look down upon those little tasks. Only in this way can we fulfill our dreams.


As autumn winds blow, leaves fall. Havingseparated from a tree, leaves decompose into theearth and eventually return to a tree‘s originalroots. Hence the saying: “fallen leaves are destinedto return to the root.”

The picture above depicts the motion of leaves towards the root, which in turn can beinterpreted as the intense bond Chinese feel towards their motherland.

More and more overseas Chinese are returning or have already returned to China. Despitethe length of time they have spent abroad, or regardless of the life they may have lead, theyare often disposed to return to their roots, to come home. It is commonly said that blood isthicker than water. Because they are grateful for their homeland‘s nourishment and support,they return to contribute to the construction of their country with the knowledge, experienceand wealth acquired abroad. This inclination is an expression of people‘s attachment to, andlove of, their homeland. Patriotism is a prevailing emotion among the overseas Chinese. TheChinese still living in China should also cherish and love their country, and give back with theirknowledge and actions in order to cultivate the country‘s present and future.






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