
山崖发表网范文2022-08-18 14:46:05168


Nowadays, there is a growing tendency that college graduates in mounting numbers choose to work as village officials after graduation. People’s attitudes towards this phenomenon differ sharply. Some hold the positive view while others are against it. From my perspective, I believe that it is a wise choice.

The reason why I support them can be listed as follows: on the one hand, college graduates can contribute a lot to the development of the countryside. Firstly, having received formal education and professional training in universities, college graduates can help peasants master advanced technology. Besides, by spreading and introducing new concepts, they can also accelerate the development of rural culture. Consequently, the gap between the city and the countryside can be gradually narrowed. On the other hand, college graduates themselves can also benefit a lot from being village officials. In the first place, working in rural areas with adverse environmental condition and lower living standard, they are more likely to foster a spirit of hard-working and independence. Moreover, compared with their peers competing for limited positions, those who work as village officials enjoy more opportunities and are more likely to bring their abilities and potential into full play.

Therefore, it is a win-win choice for college graduates to work as village officials and more graduates should be encouraged to work in the countryside.


From the day the first digital product was given birth, unbelievable changes have happened in our life.

A few years ago, when we read, prints on the paper are the only media which carries meaning. When we listen to music, we have to buy magnetic tapes or CDs which record the sound.

However, nowadys, our life is a totally different picture. We read books all the same, but many of them are e-books which is more convenient and more cheap. As to music, with a matchbox-sized mp3 player, we can download whatever we like from the boundless music files on the internet. These are only the most insignificant examples how digital products have benefit us. Thanks to indigital products, the variety and quantity of information we can obtain is unprecedented. In everyday work, study and many other aspects, digital products have played a more and more important life in our life.

However, on the other hand, digital products also cause many negative effects to our lives. As life become more and more convenient, most people become more and more indifferent.

They close their doors and never go out as soon as they get home from work. If they live alone, they will kill their time by surfing online. They dont have any connections even with their closest neighbors, who seem no different from people they meet everyday in the street.

For students, they spend much more time than before on listening to the music or playing computer games. These phenomena are no good to our universities, nor to our society. On the whole, it is high time that we recognized the positive effects and also the negative ones of digital products, and used them in the right way.


There is no doubt that many people want to be great and successful, but only a few can climb to the top and be admired by the world. However, it doesn’t mean that most of us are losers. Actually everyone can achieve high by doing small things in a great way.

We have to admit that there are something that we cannot accomplish right now, but it isn’t the excuse for us to stop trying. Being great needs time and patience, so only when all small accomplishments add up can many impossibilities gradually turn to possibilities. At least, one won’t regret for not making effort to achieve the goal. For example, one may doesn’t have the resources or training on how to be a world-class musician, but by constant practice of every short piece of music, he can still bring happiness, comfort and inspiration to his family members and friends, then this person is great in the eyes of the audiences.

Therefore, never cease the pace on the road to our dreams. As long as we stick to our goal and be serious to whatever related to it, we can be considered as great.












It is believed that the computer is bringing the world into a brand new era. At the time the computer was invented, scientists, marveling at its calculating speed, felt that they had created a miracle. Nowadays, the function of the computer is no longer confined to calculation; it permeates people’s daily lives and has become an inseparable part of human society.

People become so heavily dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine the life without computers. Therefore, some people are worried that “The real danger is not that the computer will think like man, but man will think like the computer.”

Their concern does make sense. Indeed, some people spend such a long time working on computers that they have few interactions with people in real life. According to a research, too many hours in front of a computer may lead to a poker face and interpersonal isolation. This fact should arouse our attention, because unlike computers, human beings are social creatures that need emotional connections with others.

Yet, it is also unnecessary for us to be overwhelmed by the negative impacts of computers. After all, we humans are intelligent and will be able to figure out better ways to make improvements.


It is a common phenomenon that a large number of students are pursuing success with a wrong belief that there exists a shortcut to learning. The picture given reveals this fact in an ironic way. We can easily notice from the cartoon that a student is asking the teacher in the library how to achieve accomplishment in school without studying, while the teacher is pointing to the fiction section to tell him to work hard.

Learning is actually a painstaking process in which both students on campuses and employees of working agencies are struggling to acquire knowledge by sparing great efforts. On the contrary, some people in today’s society aim at studying without hard work, following the so-called “shortcut” ways. From my own perspective, there is no shortcut in the way to learn. First and foremost, learning or obtaining knowledge is based on the accumulation step by step. The famous saying that Rome is not built in one day teaches us that no goal is achieved without persistence and accumulation. In addition, the shortcut to learning is extremely appealing to those who are unwilling to spend time and energy studying because they might win by a fluke. However, students advocating the shortcut is unlikely to win every time. Last but not least, the fickleness and negative attitudes towards exams are responsible for the widespread trend of the shortcut belief, and it surely lead to the failure of study to some students. Taking a look around us, we can find that many agencies and people believe in the prediction of the exams, and students may be indulged in the so-called perditions and pay no attention to studying hard.

As has been mentioned, learning without hard work tends to be useless and meaningless, for students cannot have a great chance to grow into all-round intellectuals. The picture makes us college students aware of the great significance of true skill and genuine knowledge. Only by making efforts to learn in and after class can we gain solid and real ability and competence.






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